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EU Regional Development Fund

Integration Tests for SiGa (Signature Gateway)


Configuring the tests

Modify the file according to the environment where SiGa is running at. Running in remote environment, it´s necessary to configure valid Client authorization data in More about authorization - Authorization.

If you are running SiGa in local docker-compose setup as described at, then the default configuration should work.

Descriptions of parameters in

Parameter Example Description
siga.application-context-path /siga-webapp-2.0.1 Custom service context.
siga.hostname localhost Service URL.
siga.port 8443 Service port.
siga.protocol https Service protocol. datafileContainer,smartId,mobileId Define what profile tests to run.
logging.level.root INFO Logging level.
siga-test.logging.enabled=false false Enable RestAssured request/response logging filters.
siga-test.logging.character-split-limit 10000 Slice RestAssured logs after specified char limit is exceeded.

Running tests

NB! MonitoringT tests do not pass locally as SIVA status is always DOWN.

Using Maven

Run tests

./mvnw clean verify

PS! Groovy and Scala tests do not run automatically.

Using IntelliJ

  1. At first, generate dynamic classes from WADL and XSD.
./mvnw clean compile
  1. Open this project in IntelliJ (community version will do)
  2. Open File -> Project Structure
  3. In the view:
    • Make sure Project -> SDK points to Java 21
  4. Open * or *Spec.groovy file and JUnit Run option should be displayed. Run Tests


For a report, Allure is required (instructions for download).

After running the tests, you can serve locally Allure report:

allure serve ./target/allure-results/