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GitLab Handbook


Welcome to the GitLab Handbook. This repository contains all of the content for the Handbook on

The handbook site uses Hugo for static page generation from Markdown.

The handbook uses a base theme called Docsy. A custom theme override is located in the Docsy GitLab Theme project and automatically included in the handbook setup.


The recommended and documented way for building the handbook locally is using Docker or a compatible container runtime.

  • Command line: git, wget (for syncing data)
  • Docker or compatible runtime (for running the Hugo environment in a container)
    • On macOS: Docker Desktop, Rancher Desktop, etc.
    • On Linux: Docker engine, Podman, etc.

Getting started

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Set up the repository
  3. Running Hugo
  4. Parameters for Hugo
  5. Build static files
  6. Linting content

Clone this repository

Cloning the repository allows you to manually edit the handbook locally. If you prefer to use the Web IDE, please continue reading the editing the handbook documentation.

We recommend using git to clone the repository and then editing the handbook with a text editor such as Visual Studio Code, Typora, Nova or Sublime to name a few.

Clone the repo with HTTPS or SSH:

git clone

git clone

Set up the repository

After cloning the repository, sync the required data files from the data file location (currently the www-gitlab-com repository). Without this step, the handbook cannot be run locally.

Open a terminal, navigate into the cloned handbook repository path, and run the script.

cd handbook


Running Hugo

Hugo needs to be run to generate the static files from the handbook markdown content.

You can use the Hugo container to start a locally running instance of the handbook, and verify how your changes look.

The following command starts the Hugo server, using the hugomods/hugo container image. The exts container image tag is important, as it provides the required SASS/CSS conversion tools.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) --network host hugomods/hugo:exts hugo server

This will start the Hugo server listening on http://localhost:1313. If that doesn't work, try It may take a couple of minutes to load the first time.

You can also start a new container, and run the commands with Hugo manually.

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) --network host hugomods/hugo:exts sh

hugo server

ctrl+d # to quit

Parameters for Hugo

The handbook is huge, and by default, the hugo server command loads everything to memory.

The following options for the hugo command can be helpful for debugging or otherwise running locally:

  • --environment=production: generate a production build (asset minification, checksums, etc)
    • Note: hugo v0.x.x+extended version must be installed, use hugo version to check
    • Note: npm i must be run as a prerequisite to install postcss and autoprefixer dependencies
  • --renderToDisk: slower but requires less memory to run. Useful if you have <16GB allocated to docker machine
  • --verbose: enables verbose logging output
  • --templateMetrics and --templateMetricsHints: prints metrics related to how frequently templates are invoked and how much time is being spent evaluating them
  • --printMemoryUsage: periodically prints memory usage while the site is building

Build static files

To render the entire site to disk (and inspect the output in ${PWD}/public), purge the generated files first, and then run Hugo.

make clean

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) hugomods/hugo:exts hugo

Linting content

We use markdownlint-cli2 and Vale to enforce rules in handbook content.


We use markdownlint-cli2 in our pipelines with a slightly customized set of rules. Before pushing any changes, you should run markdownlint-cli2 and fix any suggested changes to avoid pipeline failures.

To run markdownlint-cli2 using Docker, run:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) davidanson/markdownlint-cli2 content/**/*.md


We use Vale to warn when some rules from the Handbook Markdown Guide. are broken. Vale is not run in pipelines.

To run Vale using Docker, run:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) jdkato/vale content


For help and support with the development environment, please reach out in the public #handbook Slack channel.

If you encounter a problem or bug, please open an issue or MR.

Contribution guidelines

For contribution guidelines see the dedicated handbook page.


The Markdown files get parsed by Hugo, and converted into static HTML files, including all assets (JS, CSS, images, etc.). The static files are uploaded to GitLab Pages.

Required development versions

The handbook development environment requires the extended version of Hugo. The extended version is required for the Docsy GitLab theme as we use SASS for generating the CSS stylesheets for the site. This will also require the installation of Node/NPM.

Additionally, more software is required to develop the handbook:

  1. Install Hugo following their documentation.
  2. Install NodeJS through a package manager or asdf, and run npm install.
  3. Install Git, curl, wget for sync scripts.
  4. Install the GitLab CLI for linting jobs.
  5. Install Golang for theme dependency development.

Theme dependency

The Docsy GitLab theme is integrated into the handbook repository through a Go module in go.mod.

Templates and Partials

Review the Hugo development documentation to learn more.

CI/CD pipeline

The CI/CD pipeline uses GitLab Pages for Review Apps to preview the changes in the same environment.

Reviewer Roulette

The project uses Reviewer Roulette feature of danger-review CI/CD component.