DATA PAPER - Data from 'A dataset for assessing phytolith data for implementation of the FAIR data principles'.
This repository contains the datasets and documentation for the FAIR assessment conducted as part of the FAIR Phytoliths Project.
This is the revised version after the integration of the reviewers´comments. The following files have been updated:
- Observations made during the FAIR assessment according to the set of questions table
- Specifications table (Detailed overview of the study design)
- Figure 1: FAIR Phytoliths project workflow
- Table 1: Specifications table (overview of the study design)
- Supplementary table 1: Condensed standardised data dictionary (a full version of this table can be found in Github)
For more details of this project, please see our website.
Kerfant, C., Ruiz-Pérez, J., García-Granero, J.J. et al. A dataset for assessing phytolith data for implementation of the FAIR data principles. Sci Data 10, 479 (2023).
This paper aims to describe each step used (Full description of the experimental design, data acquisition, computational processing) in documenting and producing the data from the FAIR Phytoliths Project FAIR assessment. This study aims at assessing the quality (in terms of findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability) of phytolith data sharing using two regional studies: Europe and South America.
Figure 1: FAIR Phytoliths project workflow - the FAIR assessment is the workflow for the data paper and will be combined with the survey paper results to produce the first draft of the Community guidelines. Dotted lines indicate work packages still to be completed on the FAIR Phytoliths Project.
- Data-dictionary-FAIR-assessment-final.csv
- FAIR assessment data categories table
- Observations made during data assessment table
- Saturation and representativity of data collected.pdf
- Specifications table (Detailed overview of the study design).pdf
- README files
- README file for European dataset
- README file for South American dataset
- Data collection forms
- FAIR Phytoliths Data Assessment Form – Europe
- FAIR Phytoliths Data Assessment – South America
- Roadoi R package documentation
- roadoi R package_Europe.csv
- roadoi R package_South_America.csv
- roadoi R
- roadoi R
- Data collection methodology development document
- Data collection form for trial
- Table summarising how the FAIR principles were linked to a practical set of questions shaped specifically for phytolith research.pdf
- Contains full raw dataset
- Also contains the two separate raw datasets for Europe and South America as csv files.
- contains csv files of the searches conducted using publish or perish to get the list of relevant articles for Europe and South America articles.
- Table-1-Specifications-table.pdf
- Supplementary-table-1-Condensed-data-dictionary-FAIR-assessment.pdf
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824087.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Thank you also to Historic England and Universitat Pompeu Fabra for supporting the FAIR Phytoliths project.