Incorporated gRPC in the list of features
- Now you can upload pre-written protos or write out a new proto in the code mirror. Once you save the document, you can select one of the proto’s services from a drop down menu.
- After you’ve selected a service, the requests associated with the selected service will be accessible through another drop down menu.
- gRPC is able to test Unary, Client Streaming, Server Streaming, and Bi-directional requests.
Continuous Integration Implementation
- repaired the continuous integration pipeline with GitHub Actions
- unit-tests.yml: This workflow is triggered by a push event to the ci-draft, ci-main, dev, or main branches, and it runs unit tests on macOS, Windows, and Linux runners
- codeql-analysis.yml: This workflow is triggered by a push event to the repo or a pull request event to the dev or main branches. Its purpose is to check for any security vulnerabilities and language-based errors.)
Increasing Maintainability
- doubled both unit testing and end-to-end testing
- added new meaningful tests for the core features (HTTP/2, SSE, GraphQL, WebSockets, and gRPC)
- implemented complete coverage for all of the core features and a majority of the UI/UX components.
- created meaningful types for the core features and the UI/UX components that were already converted to TypeScript.
- the frontend has been fully converted to TypeScript
- The overall coverage has increased from 36% to 54%