#opx-mlnx-sdi-sys This repository contains the implementation of SDI entity abstraction layer for Mellanox platforms. The PAS component uses the SDI API to access hardware devices - in a platform independent manner.
##Packages libopx-sdi-sys-dev_version_arch.deb — Development package (libraries and headers) for SDI for hardware implementation
libopx-sdi-sys1_version_arch.deb — Libraries package for SDI for hardware implementation
opx-sdi-sys_version.dsc — Source package
##Build To build this repo please refer to instructions in opx-build repository and use opx_build_mlnx script.
To build opx-mlnx-sdi-sys repo with all dependencies use below command: console# opx_build_mlnx opx-logging opx-common-utils opx-cps opx-base-model opx-platform-config opx-sdi-api opx-mlnx-sdi-sys
To build all packages for the Mellanox platforms use the following command: console# opx_build_mlnx all
##Install Before installing built packages some additional packages should be installed on the platform. Copy all Debian packages from the following location: https://github.com/Mellanox/SAI-Implementation/raw/sonic/sdk/*.deb. Then install all of them: console# dpkg -i *.deb
After that just copy to the system all built packages and install them. console# dpkg - i *.deb
(c) 2017 Mellanox