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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-android

Version 0.10.0

07 Mar 17:42
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This release is based on OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation and
the OpenTelemetry Java Core (sdk/api/exporters) 1.47.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting
that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

  • This version builds on opentelemetry-java-instrumentation v2.13.3.

⚠️⚠️ Breaking changes

  • New maven coordinates for http client instrumentations (#791) - okhttp-3.0-library -> instrumentation-okhttp-3.0-library - okhttp-3.0-agent -> instrumentation-okhttp-3.0-agent - httpurlconnection-library -> instrumentation-httpurlconnection-library - httpurlconnection-agent -> instrumentation-httpurlconnection-agent
  • Remove deprecated exception.escaped attribute from crash events (#796)
  • DiskBufferingConfiguration renamed to DiskBufferingConfig (#753)
  • Remove ServiceManager instance from InstallationContext (#763)
  • Remove hard-coded exception.escaped attribute from crashes (#796)
  • Drop support for Kotlin 1.7 (#869)

📈 Enhancements

  • The android-agent module now publishes a Bill of Materials (BOM). This BOM can be used to coordinate platform dependency versions across the various modules contained in opentelemetry-android (#809)
  • Add ability to enable verbose debug for disk buffering config (#753)
  • Ensure current screen attribute is included in logs, when configured (#785)
  • Default max cache size for disk buffering reduced from 60MB to 10MB (#822)
  • Improve concurrency/threading for initialization events (#836)
  • Remove minimum disk buffering cache size requirement and pre-allocation (#828)
  • Add ability to customize the directory used for disk buffering (#871)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors:


Version 0.9.1

22 Jan 00:07
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This release is based on OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation and
the OpenTelemetry Java Core (sdk/api/exporters) 1.45.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting
that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Fix some artifacts missing from publication (#761)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors:

Version 0.9.0

16 Jan 18:38
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Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting
that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

  • This version builds on opentelemetry-java-instrumentation v2.11.0.

⚠️⚠️ Breaking changes

A reminder that this project is still alpha and may contain breaking changes
from release-to-release prior to v1.0.0.

  • The AndroidInstrumentation.install() method signature has changed. Any 3rd-party
    instrumentation written to this interface will need to be updated.

📈 Enhancements

  • Add the current screen name to crash events. (#704)
  • Add R8 consumer rules. (#685)
  • Append the session id attribute to all LogRecords. (#697)
  • Add support for wired network types in the network detector. (#673)
  • Add ability to generate session start/end events. This feature is currently opt-in. (#717, #719)
  • Support newer Android network APIs for API >=29. (#736)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors:


Version 0.8.0

21 Oct 19:23
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This release is based on OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation 2.9.0 and
the OpenTelemetry Java Core (sdk/api/exporters) 1.43.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting
that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

📈 Enhancements

  • HttpURLConnection instrumentation migration to AutoService API (#592)
  • Make HttpURLConnection connection inactivity timeout configurable and add test for harvester code (#569)
  • Expose additional disk buffering configuration (#596)
  • Many enhancements to the Android demo-app. #545, #554, #568, #570, #577, #584, #598, #604, #605, #627, #634

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Ending "Paused" span for a fragment. (#591)
  • start AppStart span when installing activity instrumentation (#578)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors:


Version 0.7.0

15 Aug 04:05
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This release is based on OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation 2.6.0 and
the OpenTelemetry Java Core (sdk/api/exporters) 1.41.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting
that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the
for more details.

🚧 Refactorings

  • Implementing an instrumentation API to handle auto instrumentations. (#396) This change included: - The old module android-agent was renamed to core and a new android-agent module was created to bring together the core functionalities plus the default instrumentations. - The following modules were refactored to implement the new AndroidInstrumentation api and to invert their dependency with the core module so that the core isn't aware of them: activity, anr, crash, fragment, network, slowrendering, startup. - (Breaking) The config options related to auto instrumentations that used to live in OtelRumConfig were move to each instrumentation's AndroidInstrumentation implementation. This means that the way to configure auto instrumentations now must be done via the AndroidInstrumentationLoader.getInstrumentation( method where AndroidInstrumentationImpl must be replaced by the implementation type that will be configured. Each implementation should contain helper functions (setters, adders, etc) to allow configuring itself whenever needed.

🌟 New instrumentation

  • Http/sURLConnection auto instrumentation. (#133)

📈 Enhancements

  • Logs are now exported to stdout by default. (#424)
  • New method to customize log exporter: addLogRecordExporterCustomizer() (#424)
  • Adding RUM initialization events. (#397)
  • Upgrading Kotlin to 2.0.0 (#388)
  • Adding Hanson and Manoel as approvers. (#413)

🧰 Tooling

  • Not adding artifacts to the GH release page. (#385)
  • Populating the session id on screen for the demo app. (#402)
  • Setting up docker compose files for the demo app. (#426)
  • Running android tests as part of daily checks. (#509)
  • Adding a cart to the demo app. (#518)
  • Demo app improvements. (#497, #507, #414)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors:


Version 0.6.0

22 May 18:12
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This version of OpenTelemetry Android is built on:

🌟 New instrumentation

  • Experimental Volley http client instrumentation #291.

📈 Enhancements

  • There is now an initial version of an OpenTelemetry Android demo app. #338
  • Session timeout duration is now configurable beyond the 15 minute default #330

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Scheduled components now use fixed delay instead of fixed rate #332.

🧰 Tooling

  • A variety of small tweaks to the build process to make it smoother and more consistent with other
    OpenTelemetry Java repos.

Version 0.5.0

23 Apr 23:48
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This release is based on OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation 2.3.0-alpha and the OpenTelemetry Java Core (sdk/api/exporters) 1.37.0.

Note that many artifacts have the -alpha suffix attached to their version number, reflecting that they are still alpha quality and will continue to have breaking changes. Please see the for more details.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ There are considerable breaking changes in this release.

Breaking changes include considerable restructuring of the overall project layout. This provides a much more modularized project that publishes more granular instrumentation modules. Note that as a result of this, the topmost dependency is changing its name to

📈 Enhancements

  • Append global attributes to logs signal. (#266)
  • Change crash reporting to send a LogRecord instead of Span. (#237)
  • Restructure modules (#267, #269, and #276)
  • Update upstream deps (#301 and #304)
  • Update README re: desugaring (#309)

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • Ensure that services are initialized via ServiceManager when OpenTelemetryRum is built. (#272)
  • Start the ServiceManager itself when OpenTelemetryRum is built. (#278)

🧰 Tooling

  • Update Release process (#300)
  • Adding '-alpha' to all modules' versions (#297)

🙇 Thank you

This release was possible thanks to the following contributors:


Version 0.4.0

04 Mar 23:43
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Version 0.3.0

13 Dec 23:43
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This is a regular monthly cadence release, which follows the releases of opentelemetry-java-instrumentation and opentelemetry-java (core/sdk).

The highlights are:

  • Update to opentelemetry-java-instrumentation 1.32.0
  • Update to opentelemetry-java sdk 1.33.0
  • Rename rum.session.previous_id to session.previous_id per semconv (#127)
  • Stabilizing support for okhttp automatic build-time instrumentation (#159)
  • Introduce OtelRumConfig which can be passed to OpenTelemetryRum.builder() in order to make setting up a variety of instrumentation easier (#121)
  • Allow global attributes to be provided by supplier to allow them to be more dynamic (#135)

Version 0.2.0

20 Oct 20:59
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This is a regular monthly cadence release, which follows the releases of
opentelemetry-java-instrumentation and opentelemetry-java (core/sdk).

  • Update to opentelemetry-java-instrumentation 1.31.0
  • Update to opentelemetry-java sdk 1.31.0
  • BREAKING - Update to latest java semantic conventions (#114)
    • -> network.connection.type
    • -> network.carrier.icc
    • -> network.carrier.mcc
    • -> network.carrier.mnc
    • ->
    • -> network.connection.type
    • -> network.connection.subtype
  • Add experimental support for okhttp automatic build-time instrumentation (#64, #110)