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Docker with OpenACH, running on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image with Apache, PHP 7.4, and and SQLite

This repository contains Dockerfile of OpenACH for Docker's automated build published to the public Docker Hub Registry.

Base Docker Image


The most recent changes have upgraded the base image to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and PHP 7.4. Since PHP dropped support for the mcrypt extension in 7.2, we had been installing it from PEAR. To make for a cleaner install, we have moved to using the phpseclib/mcrypt_compat package. To accomplish this, there are some significant changes to this project's Dockerfile:

  1. Removed the PEAR install of mcrypt extension
  2. Removed the outdated version of phpseclib from protected/vendors/phpseclib
  3. Removed old Yii 1.x framework install (previously done via tarball)
  4. Added composer
  5. Added RUN for composer install during build

Also to facilitate these changes, changes were made in the openach/openach repo:

  1. Added a composer.json file to facilitate composer-based library installation
  2. Through composer, required yiisoft/yii, phpseclib/phpseclib, and phpseclib/mcrypt_compat, and cweagans/composer-patches packages
  3. Added a composer patch in openach/openach in the patches folder, which changes how CSecurityManager in Yii 1.x looks for the mcrypt extension, making it compatible with phpseclib/mcrypt_compat
  4. Modified the CLI script, along with all PHP entrypoint scripts, to use the composer autoloader, removing references to tarball-based Yii install.

The result for users of this docker container is a new, fully up-to-date platform running on PHP 7.4 that is backwards-compatible with config and data files (including encrypted data) from older installs.

NOTE: If you previously made local customization to Dockerfile, you will want to merge those changes very carefully, and ensure that you pull the latest version of code from openach/openach that has been updated for PHP 7.4.

Security Note

PHP 7.2 EOL (end-of-life) was November 30, 2020. OpenACH is now certified for PHP 7.4. We strongly recommend upgrading to the latest version of this repository.

If you are using a self-built image, please merge any new changes from our distributed Dockerfile into yours and rebuild.

If you are using our pre-built images, first back up your data, then run docker-compose pull, and then docker-compose up -d.

See for the latest build information.

Latest build: December 1, 2020



  1. Install Docker.

  2. Install Docker Compose

Clone the Repository

Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd docker-openach

SSL Certificates

CA-Signed Certificate

If you already have a CA-signed SSL certificate you wish to use on your installation, copy the key and certificate files to ssl/openach/. Then remove the existing symlinks and re-link your certificates to the proper names:

   rm ssl/openach/openach.crt ssl/openach/openach.key
   ln -s ssl/openach/<your_ssl.crt> ssl/openach/openach.crt
   ln -s ssl/openach/<your_ssl.key> ssl/openach/openach.key
Self-Signed Certificate

We have provided a script to simplify setting up a self-signed SSL certificate. Note that the FQDN of your server should be whatever you are using to connect to OpenACH. Typically this will just be localhost, but if you have set up your DNS or hosts file to use something different, you can certainly use that instead.

   # ./ 
   Generating a 4086 bit RSA private key
   writing new private key to './ssl/openach-self-signed.key'
   You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
   into your certificate request.
   What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
   There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
   For some fields there will be a default value,
   If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
   Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
   State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:New York
   Locality Name (eg, city) []:New York
   Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Your Company, Inc.
   Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
   Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:localhost
   Email Address []

Optionally Build the Image

The latest OpenACH code base is automatically built into a Docker image on For most purposes, you can simply use that image. If you have local modifications to the Dockerfile, you may want to build your own image.

The docker-compose.yml file looks for the openach/openach image, so you can either build with that label, or build with your own and modify docker-compose.yml accordingly.

Most people can skip this step and proceed directly to Usage

    sudo docker build -t openach/openach .

This can take a while but should eventually return a command prompt. It's done when it says "Successfully built {hash}"


    docker-compose up -d

The first time the image is run, the startup script will initialize both config/db.php and config/security.php, and install a default database in runtime/db/openach.db, assuming they don't already exist.

Access the OpenACH CLI:

You can get a shell inside the container as follows:

    docker exec -it dockeropenach_web_1 /bin/bash

Note that with version 1.9.3, a shortcut to CLI was added to docker-compose.yml:

   docker-compose run --rm cli <command> <options>

Note that you will want to use the CLI to set up a user account before you go much further. The following steps should get you most of the way there. For more information, see the OpenACH CLI Documentation.

See available commands and set up a user:
   docker-compose run --rm cli
   docker-compose run --rm cli user create --user_login=johndoe --user_password=supersecret --user_first_name=John --user_last_name=Doe
   docker-compose run --rm cli user setup --user_id=<user-id-from-previous-step> --name="Test Originator" --identification=112358130 --routing_number=101000187 --account_number=1234567890
   # Note the IDs generated by these commands as you will need them later.

Access the web interface:

Note that the web interface is primarily for trouble-shooting and basic admin functions. It is provided for convenience, and will be deprecated in future releases. As such, most administrative tasks should be done via the OpenACH CLI.

To access the web interface, open your web browser and point to http://localhost/ or https://localhost/

Most importantly, the API is accessible via the web. Assuming you are using the default localhost hostname, the API would then be located at: http://localhost/api/ or https://localhost/api/

Using the REST API:

To use the REST API, you will need to create an API key/secret:

   docker-compose run --rm cli apiuser create --user_id=<user-id-from-previous-step> --originator_info_id=<originator-info-id-from-previous-step>
   # Note the api token and key generated by this command, as you will use them to connect to the API

The simplest way to get started with the API is by checking out our API docs on Postman:

And you can try out the API using our Postman collection:

Production Notes

When you first run docker-compose up -d, a new encryption key will be generated for your data, and saved as config/security.php. An empty SQLite database will be created as runtime/db/openach.db, and a database config file saved as config/db.php. Subsequently, whenever you run docker-compose from the openach-docker folder, your OpenACH install will use these configs and database. If you are using the Docker image as a production environment, you will want to regularly back up config/ and runtime/db/, as your production data depends on these two folders - one for the encryption keys and the other for the database itself.

Migrating Data

To migrate your config and data to a new host, simply pull a fresh copy of the openach/docker-openach project from GitHub, build the image (if it hasn't been previously built on your server), and copy the config/ and runtime/ folders from your other installation.


Your Docker container exposes both port 80 (http) and port 443 (https). Be sure to set up appropriate firewall rules on your host machine to protect traffic to these ports. Also, be aware that the config/security.php file contains your encryption key for your data - protect it and your machine accordingly.


Docker with OpenACH, running Apache, mod_php, and SQLite







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