The Pest and Disease Management service takes in data via datasets or live measurements and rules created
by a user, and returns when a rule was satisfied on the specified dataset.
- git
- docker
- docker-compose
Docker version used during development: 27.0.3
There are two ways to install this service, via docker or directly from source.
When deploying from source, use python 3:11.
Also, you should use a venv when doing this.
A list of libraries that are required for this service is present in the "requirements.txt" file.
This service uses FastAPI as a web framework to serve APIs, alembic for database migrations sqlalchemy for database ORM mapping.
After installing docker
you can run the following commands to run the application:
docker compose build
docker compose up
The application will be served on (I.E. typing localhost/docs in your browser will load the swagger documentation)
Request body:
This API expects a dataset in the form of a .csv file.
This .csv file must contain "date" and "time" as columns, as well as at least one of the following columns:
"parcel_location", "atmospheric_temperature", "atmospheric_temperature_daily_min",
"atmospheric_temperature_daily_max", "atmospheric_temperature_daily_average", "atmospheric_relative_humidity",
"atmospheric_pressure", "precipitation", "average_wind_speed", "wind_direction", "wind_gust",
"leaf_relative_humidity", "leaf_temperature", "leaf_wetness",
"soil_temperature_10cm", "soil_temperature_20cm", "soil_temperature_30cm", "soil_temperature_40cm",
"soil_temperature_50cm", "soil_temperature_60cm", "solar_irradiance_copernicus"
The date should look like this: "2024-10-10", "2024-09-05", etc. (YYYY-mm-dd), in python: (%Y-%m-%d)
The time should look like this: "10:10:15", "01:15:59", "01:01:01", etc. (HH:MM:SS), in python: (%H:%M:%S)
An example of a dataset would look something like this:
The order of the columns does not matter, another example of a valid dataset:
The API will ignore columns that are present in the dataset but aren't part of the list above.
An example of an invalid dataset:
Reason: missing "time" column
Another example:
- The leaf_wetness metric can only be expressed as a value [0, 1], the first row shows 1.25 which is outside this range.
- The last row has a leaf_temperature of "eleven" which will not be parsed, it should be "11".
The leaf_density column would not provide an issue when parsing, this column would just be skipped.
Response example:
"msg": "Successfully uploaded file."
Request body:
Response example:
"pests": [
"id": "9bf91b39-04eb-4446-9139-f7181da6f31f",
"name": "Περονόσπορος, Plasmopara viticola",
"description": "Uncinula necator (syn. Erysiphe necator) is a fungus that causes powdery mildew of grape. It is a common pathogen of Vitis species, including the wine grape, Vitis vinifera",
"geo_areas_of_application": "((30.123 10.32454, 40.345 40.1234563, 20.9675 40.67854, 10.23508 20.23578, 30.23465584 10.16938))"
"id": "c15b5f4b-4881-4760-ab2e-3ca5090e8493",
"name": "Botrytis cinerea",
"description": "Botrytis cinerea (Ascomycota) infects over 200 plant species, causing grey mould, evident on the surface as grey fluffy mycelium. Worldwide, it causes annual losses of $10 billion to $100 billion.",
"geo_areas_of_application": "POLYGON ((-60.0870329 -12.9315478, -61.5073816 -25.3204334, -62.6987366 -24.5766272, -64.1853669 -24.0497260, -67.7152546 -27.4752321, -68.4190340 -26.9510818, -67.6018452 -21.5489551, -64.3083560 -21.6772242, -63.1471630 -21.9415438, -64.1137279 -14.2398013, -60.0870329 -12.9315478))"
This API returns a list of pest models currently in the system.
Request body:
"name": "Phytophthora sojae",
"description": "Phytophthora sojae is an oomycete pathogen of soybean, classified in the kingdom Stramenopiles. It causes 'damping off' of seedlings and root rot of older plants.",
"geo_areas_of_application": "POLYGON ((14.2345, -2.2345))",
"cultivations": [ "soybean", "bluebonnet", "lupinus albus" ]
Response example:
"id": "9489c55a-847c-4cd2-8392-ddc72b549ec4",
"name": "Phytophthora sojae",
"description": "Phytophthora sojae is an oomycete pathogen of soybean, classified in the kingdom Stramenopiles. It causes 'damping off' of seedlings and root rot of older plants.",
"geo_areas_of_application": "POLYGON ((14.2345, -2.2345))"
This API creates an empty pest model (meaning with no rules) in the system.
This pest model can then be assigned rules via the POST /rule/ API.
Path parameters:
- weather_dataset_id: the id of the weather dataset that you wish to use for this calculation (uploaded previously via the POST /api/v1/data/upload/ API)
- model_ids: a list of uuids (uuid-v4) that correspond to the pest_models that you wish to calculate for.
Request body:
Response example:
"ocsm": "",
"fsm": "",
"foodie": "",
"saref": ""
"@graph": [
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestModel:101",
"@type": "ocsm:AIPestDetectionModel",
"fsm:eppoCode": "UNCINE",
"foodie:description": "Uncinula necator (syn. Erysiphe necator) is a fungus that causes powdery mildew of grape. It is a common pathogen of Vitis species, including the wine grape, Vitis vinifera",
"ocsm:hasPredictedInfestationRisks": [
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360259a",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T01:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "Low"
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360259b",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T02:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "High"
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360259c",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T03:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "Medium"
"ocsm:basedOnWeatherDataset": {
"@type": "ocsm:WeatherDataset"
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestModel:102",
"@type": "ocsm:AIPestDetectionModel",
"fsm:eppoCode": "PLASVI",
"foodie:description": "Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of grapevine downy mildew, is a heterothallic oomycete that overwinters as oospores in leaf litter and soil.",
"ocsm:hasPredictedInfestations": [
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360250a",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T01:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "High"
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360250b",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T02:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "High"
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360250c",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T03:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "High"
"ocsm:basedOnWeatherDataset": {
"@type": "ocsm:WeatherDataset"
This API returns a JSON-LD, an example of which you can view here.
The main bit of information about the risk infestation metric can be found within the "ocsm:hasPredictedInfestations" type key.
This object holds the "ocsm:hasRiskLevel" key which will have either "Low", "Medium" or "High" depending on the results of the calculations.
Path parameters:
- weather_dataset_id: the id of the weather dataset that you wish to use for this calculation (uploaded previously via the POST /api/v1/data/upload/ API)
- model_ids: a list of uuids (uuid-v4) that correspond to the pest_models that you wish to calculate for.
Request body:
Response example:
"ocsm": "",
"fsm": "",
"foodie": "",
"saref": ""
"@graph": [
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestModel:101",
"@type": "ocsm:AIPestDetectionModel",
"fsm:eppoCode": "UNCINE",
"foodie:description": "Uncinula necator (syn. Erysiphe necator) is a fungus that causes powdery mildew of grape. It is a common pathogen of Vitis species, including the wine grape, Vitis vinifera",
"ocsm:hasPredictedInfestationRisks": [
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360259b",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T02:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "High"
"ocsm:basedOnWeatherDataset": {
"@type": "ocsm:WeatherDataset"
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestModel:102",
"@type": "ocsm:AIPestDetectionModel",
"fsm:eppoCode": "PLASVI",
"foodie:description": "Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of grapevine downy mildew, is a heterothallic oomycete that overwinters as oospores in leaf litter and soil.",
"ocsm:hasPredictedInfestations": [
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360250a",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T01:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "High"
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360250b",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T02:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "High"
"@id": "urn:openagri:pestPrediction:72d9fb43-53f8-4ec8-a33c-fa931360250c",
"@type": "fsm:PestInfestationRisk",
"saref:hasTimestamp": "2024-08-31T03:00:00",
"ocsm:hasRiskLevel": "High"
"ocsm:basedOnWeatherDataset": {
"@type": "ocsm:WeatherDataset"
This API functions the same as the .../verbose one, while additionally filter out any risk calculations that aren't "High".
Request body:
Response example:
"rules": [
"id": "1",
"name": "Plasmopara viticola",
"description": "The causal agent of grapevine downy mildew",
"conditions": [
"unit_id": 5,
"operator_id": 1,
"value": 80.0
"unit_id": 1,
"operator_id": 4,
"value": 10.0
"unit_id": 7,
"operator_id": 5,
"value": 10.0
"id": "2",
"name": "Plasmopara viticola",
"description": "The causal agent of grapevine downy mildew",
"conditions": [
"unit_id": 5,
"operator_id": 1,
"value": 80.0
"unit_id": 1,
"operator_id": 1,
"value": 10.0
"unit_id": 1,
"operator_id": 2,
"value": 20.0
"unit_id": 7,
"operator_id": 5,
"value": 10.0
This API returns a list of all rules stored in the system.
Rules make up a pest model, but they can also be added separately.
The above rules, translated into a friendlier format: \
- H > 80% AND T <= 10 AND P == 10 \
- H > 80% AND 10 < T <= 20 AND P == 10
- H = Humidity
- T = Atmospheric temperature
- P = Precipitation
Path parameters:
- rule_id: the id of the rule that should be deleted.
Request body:
Response example:
"message": "Successfully removed rule!"
This API removes a rule via its id.
Request body:
"name": "example rule",
"description": "my example rule",
"probability_value": "low",
"pest_model_id": "23cfdd48-f564-44a1-922a-e8c972fc5eac",
"conditions": [
"unit_id": 5,
"operator_id": 1,
"value": 80
"unit_id": 1,
"operator_id": 1,
"value": 10
Response example:
"id": 1,
"name": "my_rule",
"description": "my_description",
"conditions": [
"unit_id": 1,
"operator_id": 1,
"value": 51
"unit_id": 2,
"operator_id": 2,
"value": 12
This API creates a single rule that is added to an existing pest model.
in general, the way a user would attempt to use this service is the following:
- Upload a dataset with weather data via the POST /api/v1/data/upload/ API
- Create a pest model (POST /api/v1/pest-model/) with accompanying rules (POST /api/v1/rule/)
- Call the GET /api/v1/tool/calculate-risk-index/weather/{weather_dataset_id}/model/{model_ids}/verbose API for risk calculations
For more information about the APIs and schemas, please view the swagger documentation.
Please contact the maintainer of this repository.