openapi python client comparison
A repo to compare openapi python clients
- swagger-codegen, python generator
- openapi-generator
- python-prior generator
- python-nextgen
- openapi-json-schema-generator, python generator
Document | Purpose | Provenance |
petstore.yaml | standard api | openapi-generator repo |
via vscode code counter tool
Generator | Files | Code |
openapi_generator_python_nextgen | 28 | 2781 |
openapi_generator_python_prior | 30 | 5075 |
openapi_json_schema_generator_python | 365 | 8737 |
- 3.9k src/openapi_client/paths
- ~ 50% of this is in
- 3.3k 7 files in src/openapi_client
- + are big
- most of this comes from the 3x operation typing overloads
Reasons for the openapi json scheme generator difference
- has overload type hints on all endpoints, allows input content type selection
- json paths used to create files so many files made
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli:2.4.31 generate
-i /local/petstore.yaml
-l python
-o /local/swagger_codegen_python
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v6.5.0 generate
-i /local/petstore.yaml
-g python-prior
-o /local/openapi_generator_python_prior
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate
-i /local/petstore.yaml
-g python-nextgen
-o /local/openapi_generator_python_nextgen
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapijsonschematools/openapi-json-schema-generator-cli:3.0.0-latest generate
-i /local/petstore.yaml
-g python
-o /local/openapi_json_schema_generator_python