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Antinous producers

Jim Pivarski edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 5 revisions


In addition to providing a general way to plug Jython code into PFA applications, Antinous produces models. Only k-means has been implemented.

Producer interface

Antinous producers adhere to the following suite of abstract interfaces in com.opendatagroup.antinous.producer.

  • A Dataset is a source of training data, filled in Jython and used by the producer to make a model. It has at least these methods:

    • revert(): Unit empties the Dataset
  • A Model is what a producer makes, something that can be converted into PFA. It has at least these methods:

    • pfa: AnyRef makes a PFA cell or pool item representing the model using JsonObject, JsonArray, and primitive types
    • pfa(options: java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]): AnyRef makes PFA with options (probably coming from Jython)
    • avroType: AvroType declares the Avro type of the PFA cell or pool item
  • A ModelRecord extends Model and Scala's Product so that it can be a case class

  • A Producer[D <: Dataset, M <: Model] uses a Dataset to produce a Model. It has at least these methods:

    • dataset: D the dataset
    • optimize(): Unit updates the state of the producer in-place to improve the model (possibly many times)
    • model: M get the current state of the model
  • A JsonObject[X] is a java.util.Map[String, X] for representing Model data as PFA

  • A JsonArray[X] is a java.util.List[X] for representing Model data as PFA

The package also has a random number seed, which is used to randomize all producer algorithms. It can be set via

  • setRandomSeed(x: Long)

The usual procedure is to create a concrete Dataset in the global Jython namespace and fill it in the action phase, then create a Producer from that Dataset, run optimize() to make a Model and emit PFA in the end phase.

Here is an example that builds a k-means clustering model for one key in a Hadoop reducer (one segment of the whole model).

from antinous import *
from com.opendatagroup.antinous.producer.kmeans import VectorSet, KMeans

input = record(key = string, value = array(double))
output = record(segment = string,
                clusters = array(record(center = array(double),
                weight = double)))

segment = None
vectorSet = VectorSet()

def action(input):
    global segment, vectorSet
    segment = input.key

def end():
    if segment is not None:
        kmeans = KMeans(3, vectorSet)
        emit({"segment": segment, "clusters": kmeans.model().pfa()})

K-means producer

In package com.opendatagroup.antinous.producer.kmeans,

  • VectorSet is a Dataset with an add(pos: java.lang.Iterable[Double], weight: Double) method for adding points with optional weights.

  • ClusterSet(clusters: java.util.List[Cluster]) is a Model

  • Cluster(center: java.util.List[Double], weight: Double, covariance: java.util.List[java.util.List[Double]]) is a ModelRecord that takes options

    • weight: if true, show the weight
    • covariance: if true, show the covariance
    • totalVariance: if true, show the total variance
    • determinant: if true, show the determinant
    • limitDimensions: if a list of integers, only present the dimensions specified in covariance, totalVariance, and determinant
  • KMeans(numberOfClusters: Int, dataset: VectorSet) is a Producer[VectorSet, ClusterSet] with the following methods:

    • model: ClusterSet
    • metric: Metric and setMetric(m: Metric)
    • stoppingCondition: StoppingCondition and setStoppingCondition(s: StoppingCondition)
    • randomClusters(): pick random initial clusters (done automatically by constructor)
    • optimize() and optimize(subsampleSize: Int) to perform k-means on a random subset, using the metric and stopping when stoppingCondition is met.

Metrics adhere to interface Metric and can be constructed with:

  • Euclidean
  • SquaredEuclidean
  • Chebyshev
  • Taxicab
  • Minkowski(p: Double)
  • M(f: PyFunction) where f is any Jython function that takes two Python lists of numbers

Stopping conditions adhere to interface StoppingCondition and can be constructed with:

  • MaxIterations(max: Int) triggers when the iteration number reaches or exceeds a given maximum
  • Moving triggers when all changes are below a threshold of 1e-15
  • BelowThreshold(threshold: Double)
  • HalfBelowThreshold(threshold: Double) triggers when half the clusters' changes are below a given threshold
  • WhenAll(conditions: java.lang.Iterable[StoppingCondition]) triggers when all subconditions are met
  • WhenAny(conditions: java.lang.Iterable[StoppingCondition]) triggers when any subconditions are met
  • PrintValue(numberFormat: String = "%g") does not actually stop iteration, but prints out the current values
  • PrintValue(numberFormat: String = "%g") does not actually stop iteration, but prints out the last changes
  • S(f: PyFunction) where f is a Python function that takes
    • iteration number (int)
    • model (ClusterSet)
    • changes (list of lists of numbers)
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