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ODS-Widgets 1.0.5

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@richterb richterb released this 09 Sep 09:13
· 15 commits to gh-pages since this release


  • New odsGauge widget: Display a gauge indicator in your dashboards.
  • odsChart: A new scientificDisplay option to toggle the display of Y axis values in a scientific notation.
  • odsChart: A new step parameter to configure the step of the Y axis.
  • odsLastDatasetsFeed and odsMostPopularDatasets: new max parameter to set the number of displayed items.
  • Support for TMS service base maps. Set strictTMS to true in the basemap configuration object.
  • Better accessibility markup for all widgets


  • Fixed an issue with odsInfiniteScrollResults: it now uses the context parameters when used with a dataset context,
    as you would expect.
  • Fixed an issue with odsFacets, where the "more"/"less" toggle to display more than the 5 first results would appear based
    on the number of items regardless of visibleIf that makes some of them not appear in the list.
  • Fixed an issue where lines in odsTable were sometimes not displayed in the right order, despite being supposedly sorted.
  • Fixed an issue on odsMap when you had two layers that were using the same context, and you were displaying either one or
    the other at once using showIf: the layers are now correctly switched, where previously the change was not detected by the map.