An adapter for using the onstage shell (aka presenter mode) from DZSlides to drive a Bespoke.js presentation.
A modified version of the onstage.html file from DZSlides is included in this plugin, but this plugin also works if you use the original file from DZSlides. |
This repository includes a demo folder that shows this plugin in action. To view it locally, you first need to clone this repository:
$ git clone && cd bespoke-onstage
Next, install the dependencies inside the project folder using npm:
$ npm install
Next, visit the file demo/onstage.html in your browser. In the prompt that appears, type index.html to see the adapter in action.
Alternatively, in the prompt you can type the path (either absolute or relative to the demo folder) to any Bespoke.js presentation that has this plugin enabled.
Download the production mode version or the development mode version, or use a package manager (NOT YET AVAILABLE!).
This plugin is shipped in a UMD format, meaning it is available as a CommonJS/AMD module or as a browser global.
For example, when using CommonJS modules:
var bespoke = require('bespoke'),
onstage = require('bespoke-onstage');
bespoke.from('.deck', [
When using a browser global:
bespoke.from('.deck', [
Once the onstage plugin is added, open the file node_modules/bespoke-onstage/demo/onstage.html and enter the absolute URL to your presentation. You will see a presenter console that you can use to drive the presentation in another browser window.
Launch the presentation window by clicking on Launch.