GoBigger-Explore is an open source code collection in the article "GoBigger: A Scalable Platform for Cooperative-Competitive Multi-Agent Interactive Simulation" of ICLR 2023.
The current version is the latest version 0.4.0.
- Core 32
- GPU (>=16G)
- Memory 40G
git clone git/repo/path
cd bigger_rl
pip install -e .
- Serial Training(DQN、PPO、MAPPO、QMix、VMix、COMA)
- Train
python -u -m bigrl.bin.serial_train --config abs/config/path
- Evaluation
python -u -m bigrl.bin.serial_eval --config abs/config/path
- Parallel Training(IMPALA + Alphastar_Loss + League Training)
- Train && Evaluation
python -u -m bigrl.single.worker.trainer.trainer --config abs/config/path
- RL Agent vs Bot (Without cooperation)
- Bot vs Bot
- RL Agent vs Bot (With cooperation)
- GoBigger Repo Github Link
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Or you can contact us with slack or email (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).
GoBigger-Explore released under the Apache 2.0 license.