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The Sharks application visualizes measures and PoAs about sharks species and grouped stored in a Microsoft Access database.


The application is composed by a client side, a web application running in the browser, and a server side, a server application exposing the database data combined with external services data through a REST api.

The web application is built using Javascript and the AngularJS framework.

The server side is layered as follow:

  • storage: is responsible to access the Access database and to expose the relational data in an object model. The storage module uses JPA as persistence layer.
  • service: is responsible to combine and to expose data coming from the application storage and from external services like RefPub and Monikers.
  • web: is responsible to expose the services through a REST API using Jersey technology.

A common config module is shared between the layers for the application configuration handling.

Technology stack

Here a list of technology/libraries used for the project.


  • Maven, as project management tool.
  • CDI as dependency injection framework.
  • Weld, as CDI implementation.
  • JUnit, as unit and integration test framework.
  • Mockito, as mock framework.
  • CDI-Unit, as CDI support in unit and integration tests.
  • Project Lombok, as support for fast development.
  • UCanAccess, a JDBC driver for accessing Access databases.
  • JPA, for mapping between ER to Java Object model.
  • Hibernate, as JPA implementation.
  • JAXB, as XML to Java Object binding framework.
  • MOXy, as XML binding extension in order to support XPath in object binding.
  • EhCache, as cache framework.
  • Solr, as indexing service.
  • Jersey, as Java REST framework.
  • Swagger, as REST API documentation framework.



The client side can be deployed in a web server as static resource. The server side is deployed in a Tomcat instance through the built war.

Configuration file

The application is configured using a property-value file. The configuration file location is passed to the application through the system or env property SHARKS_CONFIG.

The cache expiration times are specified as value plus time unit separate by a space (for example "60 minutes"). The time unit can be one of DAYS, HOURS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, MINUTES, NANOSECONDS, SECONDS.

The available configuration properties:

  • storage.dbfile: the access db location as absolute path

  • cache.warmup: the type of cache warmup. The available types are (default: parallel):

  • none: no cache warmup is made. Note: use this option only for test purpose.

  • sequential: the cache is warmed up calling all the external services sequentially.

  • parallel: the cache is warmed up calling the external services in parallel.

  • cache.cleanPassphrase: the passphrase used to clean the cache from the cache console. Omit it in order to not require a passphrase.

  • cache.location: the cache storage location (default system tmp).

  • the application REST API base url, used by Swagger.

  • sharks.client.url: the application client base url, used for sitemap generation.

  • refpub.url: the base url of the RefPub service.

  • refpub.cacheExpiration: the refpub cache expiration time.

  • monikers.url: the base url of the Monikers service.

  • monikers.cacheExpiration: the monikers cache expiration time.

  • geoserver.specieslist.url: the url of the species list published by the GeoServer.

  • geoserver.cacheExpiration: the geoserver cache expiration time.

  • cites.parties.url: the url to the CITES InforMEA endpoint.

  • cites.cacheExpiration: the cites cache expiration time.

  • cms.parties.url: the url to the CMS InforMEA endpoint.

  • cms.cacheExpiration: the cms cache expiration time.

  • kor.resources.url: the url to the KOR service. The resource id will be appended to the end.

  • kor.cacheExpiration: the kor cache expiration time.

  • solr.url: the Solr instance url.

Internal: Cache configuration

The cache is configured through an EhCache xml file. It is stored as code resource.

The application uses the following caches:

  • refpub.countryIso3: cache for the Country concepts retrieved from RefPub service using ISO3 code.

  • refpub.countryIso2: cache for the Country concepts retrieved from RefPub service using ISO2 code.

  • refpub.species: cache for the Species concepts coming from RefPub service.

  • monikers.rfb4iso: cache for the rfb4iso3 moniker.

  • monikers.rfb: cache for the rfb moniker.

  • monikers.rfb4fid: cache for the fid to rgb mapping.

  • monikers.faoLexDocument: cache for the faoLexFI moniker.

  • geoserver.specieslist: cache for the specieslist from GeoServer.

  • cites.parties: cache for CITES parties

  • cms.parties: cache for CMS parties

  • kor.resources: cache for kor resources

  • cache for generated sitemap

  • restCache: cache for rest replies

#Instance documentation

REST API documentation

The REST API documentation is provided through Swagger. The Swagger interface lists and documents all the available REST operations. The Swagger console let also to call the single operation with the parameters if present/required.

Cache Console

The cache console lets the user manage the application cache. The console offers these operations:

  • cache cleaning: clean the application cache and warms it up if the warms options is active.

#Environment setup In order to contribute to the project you need to configure your environment.