This is the Folksonomy Engine front end. It is a user script for your browser, to let you add free tags to Open Food Facts products. Folksonomy Engine User Script (FEUS) is a kind of laboratory, to explore features and UI before they can get into Open Food Facts.
Main features (you have to install first to see it live):
- add a new "User properties" section, in each product view, to:
- display product tags: eg.
- add new tags
- delete tags
- authenticate
- list all properties with stats; eg.
- list of products for a given property (key); eg.
It uses the Folksonomy API.
To run userscripts it's best to have a script manager installed. Userscript managers are available as browser extensions:
- Greasemonkey – works with Firefox -
- Tampermonkey – works with
Chrome, Safari, Firefox and other browsers -
Note: temporarily unavailable on Chrome, see: issue #20
Choose an appropriate manager and install it according to the requirements of your browser.
Once your script manager is installed you can go to
Just click on the Raw button and your script manager will ask you if you want to install the script.
Any kind of contribution is welcome: coding or bug/enhancement reports. Javascript coders: use easy to understand javascript; suggest small commits/PR; please aks/suggest before using a new library.
- Add links to the properties' doc on the wiki (pages: list of properties, product's page)
- Better presentation of the "User properties" section on the product's page
- new property form UI improvements: short hint that describes the expected value, examples below the boxes...
- Add autocomplete to property field
- New auth: no more need to authenticate if the user is already logued on Open Food Facts
- Edit button is now working
- UI improvements (deleted property is removed from table, etc.)
- Improvements in the javascript console: http queries are displayed in the console as curl command lines
- Control prorperties' names (
) - Beta alert
- Compatible with Open Products Facts, Open Beauty Facts, etc.
- Styling
- Small bugs fixed
- Add a table of all keys (with stats); eg.
- Add link to properties (keys) + list of products for each key
- initial publication on this current Github repo