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Release sage 2.0.0 (#418)
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* Initial files

* Generate dataset descriptive files

* Update method to use requests to pull relevant file from github

* Add openeye installation to instructions

* Address dataset formatting feedback

* Added forcefield table to repo README
  • Loading branch information
jaclark5 authored Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 41297b0 commit 7f8ed2a
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ Datasets must be submitted as pull requests.
conda env create -f qca-dataset-submission/devtools/prod-envs/qcarchive-user-submit.yaml
conda activate qcarchive-user-submit
You may also need to install OpenEye:\
`conda install -c openeye openeye-toolkits`
4. Choose a starting notebook and README based on the type of dataset you wish to submit:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,6 +205,10 @@ The status only refers to the `default` specification which is required for all
[![Running](]( the dataset is currently running and may have some incomplete jobs.
# Forcefield Release Datasets
| Forcefield | Repo | Optimization | Torsion Drive | Elements | Zenodo |
| Release OpenFF 2.0.0 Sage | [openff-sage]( | [2024-12-12-OpenFF-Sage-2.0.0-Training-Optimization-Dataset-v1.0]( | [Coming Soon]() | H, C, N, O, S, P, F, Cl, Br, I | [Coming Soon]() |
# Basic Datasets
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# OpenFF Sage 2.0.0 Training Optimization v1.0

### Description

A quantum chemical (QC) dataset curated to train [OpenFF 2.0.0 Sage]( forcefield, with reparametrized Lennard-Jones (LJ) and valence parameters, the latter relevant to this dataset. This QC dataset with the OpenFF default level of theory, B3LYP-D3BJ/DZVP, is used to benchmark Sage geometries and energetics. These optimized conformer geometries where used in conjunction with the QC dataset used to train one dimensional torsional profiles. This Generation 2 dataset increases chemical diversity when compared to Generation 1, which are of value to our industry partners. Large molecules (>20 heavy atoms) were also included, including more flexible molecules and a greater degree of conformational variation which provide intramolecular interactions.

This is the complete optimization dataset used for training OpenFF 2.0.0 Sage, consisting of the following datasets:

- [OpenFF Gen 2 Opt Set 1 Roche](
- [OpenFF Gen 2 Opt Set 2 Coverage](
- [OpenFF Gen 2 Opt Set 3 Pfizer Discrepancy](
- [OpenFF Gen 2 Opt Set 4 eMolecules - Discrepancy](
- [OpenFF Gen 2 Opt Set 5 Bayer](

The following filters were applied to those datasets:

- `RecordStatusFilter(status=RecordStatusEnum.complete)`
- `ConnectivityFilter(tolerance=1.2)`
- `UndefinedStereoFilter()`
- `ElementFilter(allowed_elements=["H", "C", "N", "O", "S", "P", "F", "Cl", "Br", "I"])`
- `ConformerRMSDFilter(max_conformers=10)`

Further information can be found in the curation scripts for the linked repositories.

### General Information

- Date: 2024-12-12
- Class: OpenFF Optimization Dataset
- Purpose: Complete set of training data for OpenFF 2.0.0 Sage
- Dataset Type: optimization
- Name: OpenFF Sage 2.0.0 Training Optimization Dataset v1.0
- Number of unique molecules: 1025
- Number of filtered molecules: 0
- Number of conformers: 3663
- Number of conformers (min mean max): 1.00, 3.53, 10.00
- Mean molecular weight: 261.38
- Max molecular weight: 544.64
- Set of charges: -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0
- Dataset Submitter: Jennifer A. Clark
- Dataset Curator: Simon Boothroyd
- Dataset Generator: Hyesu Jang

### QCSubmit generation pipeline

- ``: A python script which shows how the dataset was prepared from the input files.
- `output.txt`: A text file containing the printed output of ``.

### QCSubmit Manifest

- ``
- `dataset.json.bz2`: The basic dataset ready for submission.
- `dataset.pdf`: A pdf file containing molecule 2D structures.
- `dataset.smi`: SMILES for every molecule in the submission.

### Metadata

* Elements: {F, I, N, C, P, Cl, S, Br, O, H}
* QC Specifications: default
* basis: DZVP
* implicit_solvent: None
* keywords: {}
* maxiter: 200
* method: B3LYP-D3BJ
* program: psi4
* SCF Properties:
* dipole
* quadrupole
* wiberg_lowdin_indices
* mayer_indices
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name: qcarchive-user-submit
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Git LFS file not shown
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