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A public repository of the OGC MetOcean Domain Working Group

The purpose of Weather on the Web is to clarify and formalise the weather related standards landscape that enables the development and use of weather based web services:

  • to determine how weather* information can best be integrated with other data on the Web;
  • to define a range of access patterns and encoding extensions** that cover a set of core use cases specified;
  • to identify and assess existing methods and tools;
  • to drive consensus on weather standards for the web;
  • and to produce a set of best practices for the use of weather information on the web.

Weather on the Web is solely focused on data APIs as opposed to product APIs, in which specific business logic and understanding the context of use is required to add further value.

Weather on the Web will not consider Use Cases that require specific business knowledge of the end use.

*Weather meaning any meteorological information that covers past, present, and future states of the atmosphere including observations and climatological data.

**encoding extensions: for example specifying GeoJSON structures for describing weather at a specific location.


The deliverables of this Working Group are described in the Working Group Charter. For convenience those deliverables are replicated in this section. The charter remains the authoritative source of the definition of deliverables.

1. Use Cases and Requirements

A set of documents setting out the range of problems that the Sub Group are trying to solve along with a set of requirements that meet the demands of these use cases.

2. Weather on the Web APIs Engineering Report

A document that describes the experiences of various 'proof-of-concept' and prototyping implementations, outcomes of hackathons and recommendations for future work. This document is in a separate repository.

3. Weather on the Web Best Practices

A range of examples and descriptions of how to integrate weather information on the web.

4. Core Specification

A document describing the standard specification required to meet the needs of the use cases.

5. Business Case

A document outlining the benefits of Weather on the Web.

Folder structure

The files of the master branch are structured so that each deliverable has its own folder:

  • Use Cases
    The Weather on the Web Use Cases & Requirements refined and prioritised by the Met Ocean Domain WG that guide the creation of the standard.
  • Business Case
    This folder contains documents related to the business case for weather on the web, describing the benefits of creating a standard and the types of problems we are trying to solve.
  • Core Specification
    This folder contains the core specification of Weather on the Web standard. It also contains the Charter (Terms of Reference) to establish an OGC Standards Working Group to formally standardise the Weather on the Web APIs.
  • Best Practice
    This folder contains the files that comprise the Best Practice guide for application of the Weather on the Web APIs to the meteorological domain.
  • Design Principles
    This folder contains the description of agreed design principles for Weather on the Web.
  • Engineering
    This folder contains engineering and development related artifacts, including example code and demonstrators.


The contributor understands that any contributions, if accepted by the OGC Membership, shall be incorporated into OGC Weather on the Web standards documents and that all copyright and intellectual property shall be vested to the OGC.

The Met Ocean Domain Working Group is the group at OGC responsible for the stewardship of the standard, but is working to do as much work in public as possible, and it is envisaged that the Weather on the Web APIs maybe applicable to generic data retrieval patterns in other domains.

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