Decentralized social media app for Hive Blockchain ⛓️ Successor to hive/condenser> aka
The project consists of three apps:
- auth
- blog
- wallet
- Node.js >= 20.0.0 & <21.0.0
If you have Volta installed, the 20.11.1 version of Node.js in pinned in the main package.json file.
We are using pnpm for building the project. If you do not have pnpm, you can install it via
npm install -g pnpm
Next, you can run following commands install the dependencies and build the apps
pnpm install
pnpm run build
You can build the apps separately using commands:
pnpm run build:blog
pnpm run build:wallet
pnpm run build:auth
The following commands start the blog app on port 3000, the wallet app on port 4000 and the auth app on port 5000:
pnpm run start:blog
pnpm run start:wallet
pnpm run start:auth
To run tests use the following commands:
pnpm run all:pw:test:local
You can run the test for only the blog or only the wallet apps using one of the following commands:
pnpm run blog:pw:test:local
pnpm run wallet:pw:test:local
To build Docker images use the following commands:
scripts/ --app-scope='@hive/auth' --app-path='/apps/auth' --app-name='auth' "$(pwd)"
scripts/ --app-scope='@hive/blog' --app-path='/apps/blog' --app-name='blog' "$(pwd)"
scripts/ --app-scope='@hive/wallet' --app-path='/apps/wallet' --app-name='wallet' "$(pwd)"
All the options available can be displayed by running scripts/ --help
To start Docker images run the following commands:
scripts/ \
--image="" \
--app-scope="@hive/auth" \
--app-path="/apps/auth" \
--api-endpoint="" \
--images-endpoint="" \
--name="denser-auth" \
--port=5000 \
scripts/ \
--image="" \
--app-scope="@hive/blog" \
--app-path="/apps/blog" \
--api-endpoint="" \
--images-endpoint="" \
--name="denser-blog" \
--port=3000 \
scripts/ \
--image="" \
--app-scope="@hive/wallet" \
--app-path="/apps/wallet" \
--api-endpoint="" \
--images-endpoint="" \
--name="denser-wallet" \
--port=4000 \
They will start the auth app on port 5000, the blog app on port 3000 and the wallet app on port 4000. The containers will delete themselves once stopped.
All the options available can be displayed by running scripts/ --help
Alternatively, you can use the Composefile - ports will be the same as above:
pushd docker
docker compose up --detach
If you wish to change parameters (like API endpoints or ports) when using the Composefile, edit the accompanying .env file
To stop and delete the containers use command docker compose down
You can put your server-key.pem
and server-cert.pem
into ./ssl
directory (it is gitignored). Then you can use commands like npm run devssl:blog
to start application on development server in SSL mode. Use
or any other similar tool to generate server certificates. See
and issue #329.