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feat: add AlibabaCloud-NLB network plugin (#135)
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Signed-off-by: ChrisLiu <>
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chrisliu1995 authored Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 53b6920 commit 4829414
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Showing 7 changed files with 654 additions and 9 deletions.
392 changes: 392 additions & 0 deletions cloudprovider/alibabacloud/nlb.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
Copyright 2024 The Kruise Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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limitations under the License.

package alibabacloud

import (
gamekruiseiov1alpha1 ""
cperrors ""
provideroptions ""
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
log ""

const (
NlbNetwork = "AlibabaCloud-NLB"
AliasNLB = "NLB-Network"

type NlbPlugin struct {
maxPort int32
minPort int32
cache map[string]portAllocated
podAllocate map[string]string
mutex sync.RWMutex

type nlbConfig struct {
lbIds []string
targetPorts []int
protocols []corev1.Protocol
isFixed bool

func (n *NlbPlugin) Name() string {
return NlbNetwork

func (n *NlbPlugin) Alias() string {
return AliasNLB

func (n *NlbPlugin) Init(c client.Client, options cloudprovider.CloudProviderOptions, ctx context.Context) error {
defer n.mutex.Unlock()
slbOptions := options.(provideroptions.AlibabaCloudOptions).NLBOptions
n.minPort = slbOptions.MinPort
n.maxPort = slbOptions.MaxPort

svcList := &corev1.ServiceList{}
err := c.List(ctx, svcList)
if err != nil {
return err

n.cache, n.podAllocate = initLbCache(svcList.Items, n.minPort, n.maxPort)
log.Infof("[%s] podAllocate cache complete initialization: %v", NlbNetwork, n.podAllocate)
return nil

func (n *NlbPlugin) OnPodAdded(client client.Client, pod *corev1.Pod, ctx context.Context) (*corev1.Pod, cperrors.PluginError) {
return pod, nil

func (n *NlbPlugin) OnPodUpdated(c client.Client, pod *corev1.Pod, ctx context.Context) (*corev1.Pod, cperrors.PluginError) {
networkManager := utils.NewNetworkManager(pod, c)

networkStatus, _ := networkManager.GetNetworkStatus()
networkConfig := networkManager.GetNetworkConfig()
sc := parseNlbConfig(networkConfig)
if networkStatus == nil {
pod, err := networkManager.UpdateNetworkStatus(gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkStatus{
CurrentNetworkState: gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkNotReady,
}, pod)
return pod, cperrors.ToPluginError(err, cperrors.InternalError)

// get svc
svc := &corev1.Service{}
err := c.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{
Name: pod.GetName(),
Namespace: pod.GetNamespace(),
}, svc)
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return pod, cperrors.ToPluginError(c.Create(ctx, n.consSvc(sc, pod, c, ctx)), cperrors.ApiCallError)
return pod, cperrors.NewPluginError(cperrors.ApiCallError, err.Error())

// update svc
if util.GetHash(sc) != svc.GetAnnotations()[SlbConfigHashKey] {
networkStatus.CurrentNetworkState = gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkNotReady
pod, err = networkManager.UpdateNetworkStatus(*networkStatus, pod)
if err != nil {
return pod, cperrors.NewPluginError(cperrors.InternalError, err.Error())
return pod, cperrors.ToPluginError(c.Update(ctx, n.consSvc(sc, pod, c, ctx)), cperrors.ApiCallError)

// disable network
if networkManager.GetNetworkDisabled() && svc.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer {
svc.Spec.Type = corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP
return pod, cperrors.ToPluginError(c.Update(ctx, svc), cperrors.ApiCallError)

// enable network
if !networkManager.GetNetworkDisabled() && svc.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP {
svc.Spec.Type = corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
return pod, cperrors.ToPluginError(c.Update(ctx, svc), cperrors.ApiCallError)

// network not ready
if svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress == nil {
networkStatus.CurrentNetworkState = gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkNotReady
pod, err = networkManager.UpdateNetworkStatus(*networkStatus, pod)
return pod, cperrors.ToPluginError(err, cperrors.InternalError)

// allow not ready containers
if util.IsAllowNotReadyContainers(networkManager.GetNetworkConfig()) {
toUpDateSvc, err := utils.AllowNotReadyContainers(c, ctx, pod, svc, false)
if err != nil {
return pod, err

if toUpDateSvc {
err := c.Update(ctx, svc)
if err != nil {
return pod, cperrors.ToPluginError(err, cperrors.ApiCallError)

// network ready
internalAddresses := make([]gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkAddress, 0)
externalAddresses := make([]gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkAddress, 0)
for _, port := range svc.Spec.Ports {
instrIPort := port.TargetPort
instrEPort := intstr.FromInt(int(port.Port))
internalAddress := gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkAddress{
IP: pod.Status.PodIP,
Ports: []gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkPort{
Name: instrIPort.String(),
Port: &instrIPort,
Protocol: port.Protocol,
externalAddress := gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkAddress{
EndPoint: svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Hostname,
IP: svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].IP,
Ports: []gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkPort{
Name: instrIPort.String(),
Port: &instrEPort,
Protocol: port.Protocol,
internalAddresses = append(internalAddresses, internalAddress)
externalAddresses = append(externalAddresses, externalAddress)
networkStatus.InternalAddresses = internalAddresses
networkStatus.ExternalAddresses = externalAddresses
networkStatus.CurrentNetworkState = gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkReady
pod, err = networkManager.UpdateNetworkStatus(*networkStatus, pod)
return pod, cperrors.ToPluginError(err, cperrors.InternalError)

func (n *NlbPlugin) OnPodDeleted(c client.Client, pod *corev1.Pod, ctx context.Context) cperrors.PluginError {
networkManager := utils.NewNetworkManager(pod, c)
networkConfig := networkManager.GetNetworkConfig()
sc := parseLbConfig(networkConfig)

var podKeys []string
if sc.isFixed {
gss, err := util.GetGameServerSetOfPod(pod, c, ctx)
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return cperrors.ToPluginError(err, cperrors.ApiCallError)
// gss exists in cluster, do not deAllocate.
if err == nil && gss.GetDeletionTimestamp() == nil {
return nil
// gss not exists in cluster, deAllocate all the ports related to it.
for key := range n.podAllocate {
gssName := pod.GetLabels()[gamekruiseiov1alpha1.GameServerOwnerGssKey]
if strings.Contains(key, pod.GetNamespace()+"/"+gssName) {
podKeys = append(podKeys, key)
} else {
podKeys = append(podKeys, pod.GetNamespace()+"/"+pod.GetName())

for _, podKey := range podKeys {

return nil

func init() {
nlbPlugin := NlbPlugin{
mutex: sync.RWMutex{},

func (n *NlbPlugin) consSvc(nc *nlbConfig, pod *corev1.Pod, c client.Client, ctx context.Context) *corev1.Service {
var ports []int32
var lbId string
podKey := pod.GetNamespace() + "/" + pod.GetName()
allocatedPorts, exist := n.podAllocate[podKey]
if exist {
slbPorts := strings.Split(allocatedPorts, ":")
lbId = slbPorts[0]
ports = util.StringToInt32Slice(slbPorts[1], ",")
} else {
lbId, ports = n.allocate(nc.lbIds, len(nc.targetPorts), podKey)

svcPorts := make([]corev1.ServicePort, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(nc.targetPorts); i++ {
svcPorts = append(svcPorts, corev1.ServicePort{
Name: strconv.Itoa(nc.targetPorts[i]),
Port: ports[i],
Protocol: nc.protocols[i],
TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(nc.targetPorts[i]),

loadBalancerClass := ""

svc := &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: pod.GetName(),
Namespace: pod.GetNamespace(),
Annotations: map[string]string{
SlbListenerOverrideKey: "true",
SlbIdAnnotationKey: lbId,
SlbConfigHashKey: util.GetHash(nc),
OwnerReferences: getSvcOwnerReference(c, ctx, pod, nc.isFixed),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ExternalTrafficPolicy: corev1.ServiceExternalTrafficPolicyTypeLocal,
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
Selector: map[string]string{
SvcSelectorKey: pod.GetName(),
Ports: svcPorts,
LoadBalancerClass: &loadBalancerClass,
return svc

func (n *NlbPlugin) allocate(lbIds []string, num int, nsName string) (string, []int32) {
defer n.mutex.Unlock()

var ports []int32
var lbId string

// find lb with adequate ports
for _, slbId := range lbIds {
sum := 0
for i := n.minPort; i < n.maxPort; i++ {
if !n.cache[slbId][i] {
if sum >= num {
lbId = slbId

// select ports
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
var port int32
if n.cache[lbId] == nil {
n.cache[lbId] = make(portAllocated, n.maxPort-n.minPort)
for i := n.minPort; i < n.maxPort; i++ {
n.cache[lbId][i] = false

for p, allocated := range n.cache[lbId] {
if !allocated {
port = p
n.cache[lbId][port] = true
ports = append(ports, port)

n.podAllocate[nsName] = lbId + ":" + util.Int32SliceToString(ports, ",")
log.Infof("pod %s allocate nlb %s ports %v", nsName, lbId, ports)
return lbId, ports

func (n *NlbPlugin) deAllocate(nsName string) {
defer n.mutex.Unlock()

allocatedPorts, exist := n.podAllocate[nsName]
if !exist {

slbPorts := strings.Split(allocatedPorts, ":")
lbId := slbPorts[0]
ports := util.StringToInt32Slice(slbPorts[1], ",")
for _, port := range ports {
n.cache[lbId][port] = false

delete(n.podAllocate, nsName)
log.Infof("pod %s deallocate nlb %s ports %v", nsName, lbId, ports)

func parseNlbConfig(conf []gamekruiseiov1alpha1.NetworkConfParams) *nlbConfig {
var lbIds []string
ports := make([]int, 0)
protocols := make([]corev1.Protocol, 0)
isFixed := false
for _, c := range conf {
switch c.Name {
case NlbIdsConfigName:
for _, slbId := range strings.Split(c.Value, ",") {
if slbId != "" {
lbIds = append(lbIds, slbId)
case PortProtocolsConfigName:
for _, pp := range strings.Split(c.Value, ",") {
ppSlice := strings.Split(pp, "/")
port, err := strconv.Atoi(ppSlice[0])
if err != nil {
ports = append(ports, port)
if len(ppSlice) != 2 {
protocols = append(protocols, corev1.ProtocolTCP)
} else {
protocols = append(protocols, corev1.Protocol(ppSlice[1]))
case FixedConfigName:
v, err := strconv.ParseBool(c.Value)
if err != nil {
isFixed = v
return &nlbConfig{
lbIds: lbIds,
protocols: protocols,
targetPorts: ports,
isFixed: isFixed,

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