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@ABNER-1 ABNER-1 released this 17 Feb 12:44

To install or upgrade to the old version, see installation doc.

Change log since v1.7.3

Upgrade Notice

No, really, you must read this before you upgrade

  • Disable the following feature gates by default: ResourcesDeletionProtection (#1919, @ABNER-1)
  • Promote these feature gates to beta:
    ResourcesDeletionProtection, WorkloadSpread, PodUnavailableBudgetDeleteGate, InPlaceUpdateEnvFromMetadata,
    PodProbeMarkerGate (#1919, @ABNER-1)
  • Update Kubernetes dependency to v1.30.10 and Golang to v1.22 (#1896, @ABNER-1, #1924, @furykerry))
  • Prior to Kruise 1.7.3, helm uninstall is a high-risk operation that deletes Kruise, its CRDs, and associated CRs. Starting from Kruise 1.7.3, it uses a pre-delete hook to check for existing Kruise CRs before uninstallation and blocks the process to prevent accidental deletion.

Key Features

Performance Improvements

Resilience Enhancement

  • Add Helm pre-delete hook to preserve Kruise CRs during uninstallation (#1843, @AiRanthem)

Other Notable Changes

Advanced Workload

Sidecar Management

  • Support inject both stable and updated version sidecar according to updateStrategy (#1689, #1856, @AiRanthem)
  • Refine SidecarSet initContainer handling (#1719, @zmberg)

Multi-domain management

  • Introduce annotation for CRD compatibility (#1758, @zmberg)
  • Extend PodProbeMarker to serverless pods (#1875, @zmberg)
  • Enable priorityClassName patching in WorkloadSpread (#1877, @AiRanthem)
  • Sync all fields in UnitedDeployment spec to subset workload spec (#1798, @AiRanthem)

Bug Fixes

Misc (Chores and tests)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.7.3...v1.8.0