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Release 2.0.0 Checkpoint Consensus

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Jan 12, 2023 · 1 revision

The MDS Working Group Steering Committee met for the Consensus Checkpoint for the 2.0.0 proposed release, and will present these results at a the next Working Group meeting. This covers work we started back in Oct 2021.

The checkpoint helps decide what is ready for the release, what features should be left out and how, if extra time is needed to finish features, and confirm a targeted release candidate date.

For this evaluation, we looked at 20 still open PRs and Issues to see which ones need work or which may need to be cut for this release.

See the Release Plan for details of these features. The outcomes and actions from these discussions are summarized here:

Release date

Targeting two weeks for release candidate wrap up with Feb 16 announcement at WG meeting, and release approval after OMF governance process before announcing on April 19.

Modes Work

Work complete and merged to dev

Policy Reimagining

Some final work on adding examples for rates, but otherwise complete and merged to dev.

Agency/Provider Unification

Draft is almost complete, was a big lift with lots of feedback needed. Should be complete in next day or two, allowing work to finish on downstream issues.


  • Items related to scooter detection will be added once Agency/Provider work is done.
  • Maintenance event clarification

To be done when creating release candidate and approved release

  • OpenAPI schema definitions
  • Removing Geography from Policy API
  • State Machine Diagrams
  • Vehicle type alignment to GBFS
  • GBFS optional for some modes
  • Authorization consistency