Gerald Nelson 11/20/2019
The goal of this project is to provide code to import the land use data files used by the CMIP6 project. It includes code to automatically import all the files from their official storage location 1
The directory hierarchy of the project is as follows. Second level directories are in parentheses:
- data — contains .xlsx and .rds files that are generated from data in the data-raw folder and used to produce results
- data-raw — data files from original data sources
- graphics — graphic outputs from the analysis
- R — R scripts
- Results — results from the analysis, contains .xlsx and .rds files
This directory structure is created automatically in the script.
The script also automatically imports libraries that are needed and not on the user’s computer.
More detailed documentation is contained in the R script importLUH2Data.R. The script should be run in sections to see what where particular outputs are generated.
This is a work in progress. Comments, suggestions, improvements appreciated!