This is a light weight DNS Server which serves A type record for now.
go get
- Go 1.90
- Import the package
lightdns ""
- Create a DNS Server
dns := lightdns.NewDNSServer(port_int)
- Add Zone data using the function
dns.AddZoneData(zone, staticRecords, lookupFunction, ZoneType)
If the records data available we can code it and Add the zone data
var googleRecords = map[string]string{
"": "",
"": "",
dns.AddZoneData("", googleRecords, nil, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)
If the data is not static and has to be taken from a DB or from any other sources or calculated dynamically then use lookup function. Define a lookup function in the format
func lookupFunc(domain string) (ip string, err error)
ie: given a domain name string as parameter, IP string and error value has to be returned.
func lookupFunc(string) (string, error) {
//Do some action
//Get data from DB
//Process it further more
return "", nil
dns.AddZoneData("", nil, lookupFunc, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)
- Start the DNS Server by
package main
import (
lightdns ""
var records = map[string]string{
"": "",
"": "",
func lookupFunc(string) (string, error) {
//Do some action
//Get data from DB
//Process it further more
return "", nil
func main() {
var googleRecords = map[string]string{
"": "",
"": "",
var microsoftRecords = map[string]string{
"": "",
"": "",
dns := lightdns.NewDNSServer(1234)
dns.AddZoneData("", googleRecords, nil, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)
dns.AddZoneData("", microsoftRecords, nil, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)
/* Incase if the records are not static or to be taken from DB or from any other sources
lookupFunc method can be used.append*/
dns.AddZoneData("", nil, lookupFunc, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)
- MX, AAAA, SOA and other records
- Reverse lookup zone
- Use goroutines for optimizing the speed
- Unit Test Cases
- Logging mechanism for monitoring and debugging
- Error handling
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.