This is the new core OpenNetAdmin system. It is intended to provide the base core logic and expose a rest API.
You can install and use this without a GUI interface if desired, or optionally install the new GUI interface.
The following is the initial install process based on ubuntu 16.04
apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php-gmp php-mysql libapache2-mod-php php-mbstring php-xml composer unzip
vi /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini # uncomment the line error_log = syslog
cd /opt
git clone -b dev
cd ona-core
composer -vv install
php $PWD/install/install.php
set up apache
DocumentRoot /opt/ona-core/www
<Location "/">
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
- I set up a symlink to the old ona for testing purposes as well:
ln -s /opt/ona-core/www/gui /opt/ona/www