A tags package for use with Go (golang) services
- Tags - a strings which used for tag any object
- Non-strict Tags - a strings which match to strings in data ("new" -> "new")
- Strict Tags - all strict tags have prefix "+" for strict match ("+new") and "-" for strict mismatch ("-old")
- All strict Tags applied with logical operator "AND" between each other
- All non-strict Tags applied with logical operator "OR" between all tags
{"a","b"} this mean that we ask "a" OR "b" tag
{"a","+b","+c"} this mean that we ask "a" OR ("b" AND "c") tag
{"a","+b", "c", "-d"} this mean that we ask "a" OR "c" OR ("b" AND NOT "d") tag
package main
import (
// Product is struct with tags
type Product struct {
Name string
Description string
Tags tags.Tags
func main() {
product := Product{
Name: "the tee",
Description: "the boutle of ice black tee with sugar",
Tags: tags.Tags{"ice", "black", "sugar"},
fmt.Println("Product:", product.Description)
// We ask for any tee "black" or "green"
fmt.Println("Is this tee black or green?")
query := tags.Tags{"black", "green"}
if product.Tags.IsTagged(query) {
fmt.Println("Yes, the tee is black.")
} else {
fmt.Println("No, the tee has not black or green options.")
// We ask fot strict match "green" and "sugar"
fmt.Println("Is this tee green with sugar?")
query = tags.Tags{"+green", "+sugar"}
if product.Tags.IsTagged(query) {
fmt.Println("Yes, the tee is green with sugar.")
} else {
fmt.Println("No, the tee with sugar, but is not green.")
// We ask for strict mismatch, not "ice"
fmt.Println("Is this tee hot?")
query = tags.Tags{"-ice"}
if product.Tags.IsTagged(query) {
fmt.Println("Yes, the tee is hot.")
} else {
fmt.Println("No, it is ice tee.")
All the contributors are welcome. If you would like to be the contributor please accept some rules.
- The pull requests will be accepted only in "develop" branch
- All modifications or additions should be tested
- Sorry, I'll not accept code with any dependency, only standard library
Thank you for your understanding!