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Closed Oct 12, 2020 100% complete

With past milestones, sdmx focused on having a stable SDMX format abstraction library (compliant with SDMX-ML 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 formats).

This milestone will address a major improvement of rsdmx with adding a service abstraction, typically it will provider web-service connectors to query data easily for a well-known list of SDMX service providers, without hav…

With past milestones, sdmx focused on having a stable SDMX format abstraction library (compliant with SDMX-ML 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 formats).

This milestone will address a major improvement of rsdmx with adding a service abstraction, typically it will provider web-service connectors to query data easily for a well-known list of SDMX service providers, without having to enter the complete request urls.
The capacity to add a service provider at runtime will be also added. The objective will also be to have a growing list of SDMX data connectors available by default within rsdmx
