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Containerized service stack 'Restful Age PostgreSQL' (rapsql) as ready to use dev environment.


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RAPSQL is an acronym for 'Restful Age PostgreSQL'. On the one hand, it serves to provide a ready-to-use stack to a public community for the further development of open source database services. On the other hand, features like REST-compatible requests using PostgREST for Apache AGE Cypher queries are implemented (currently in progress 🚧). Other features that are being developed as part of a feasibility study on the interoperability of graph databases using SPARQL with Apache AGE will also be added to this repo in the future ⌛

❗❗❗ For DEV purposes only, do not use in production with insecure credentials and privileges ❗❗❗

How to get started

First things 1️⃣st... you need to have docker with compose 🐳 installed on your machine.

You already have docker installed? Good news, there are just a few steps to get this rapsql-stack running. Just follow this short instructions 👇

  1. Clone this repository to a local folder
  2. Configuration
    1. Change filename 'dotenv' to '.env'
    2. (Optional) Open .env and change your credentials
      1. Note that there are some dependencies to the initial building script in ./pgdbconf/schema.sql
      2. You can find comment tags where changes have no or different dependencies
    3. Since there is no official docker image for apache/age-viewer at this time, you need to build this one your own. And If you are not familiar with creating your own local docker images or don't want to use age-viewer, you can simply open docker-compose.yml and comment out this service. But don't worry, every necessary step is described below ☺️
      1. Clone repo to another local folder
      2. Open docker-compose.yml of your local rapsql
      3. Navigate to service: age-viewer
      4. Change context "/usr/local/docker/age-viewer/" to your chosen local folder path of age-viewer
    4. (ARM architecture only) E. g. on Raspberry Pi, you need to change the swagger image as well
      1. Open docker-compose.yml of your local rapsql
      2. Navigate to service: swagger
      3. Change the image (see comments) or comment out the hole swagger section, if you don't want to use this unofficial image
  3. And that's it, we're up to deploy the stack (see next section) 😎

Docker Commands on CLI

Once all the pre-settings are complete, we can get the rapsql stack up and running. Simply open a terminal or your favorite shell, navigate to your rapsql path and use the docker compose tool 💪

Run the stack

    docker compose up

This command builds and downloads all missing images from the Docker registry. The initial building step can take a few minutes. Once you have downloaded all the images to your local machine, the command runs in a few seconds. The deployment of pgdb will run ./pgdbconf/schema.sql initially and doing an open setup for Apache AGE and PostgREST. It will also create a graph called 'countries' and imports vertex and edge data from .csv files that are delivered by Apache AGE as well. 🎆👏

(Optional) Run services in background using "detached" mode (-d flag)

    docker compose up -d

See what is currently running

    docker compose ps

Shut down containers

    docker compose stop

Run the stopped containers again

    docker compose start

Delete all containers without docker volumes

    docker compose down

Delete all containers with volumes using -v flag

    docker compose down -v

To interact with postgres in CLI, you can enter your db by using a connection string with your credentials like this (the container name may vary on your machine):

docker exec -it pgdb-container psql "postgres://<POSTGRES_USER>:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@<DOCKER_SERVICE_PGDB>:<POSTGRES_PORT>/<POSTGRES_DB>"

If you have not made any changes to your credentials after changing the filename from 'dotenv' to '.env', you can just copy the command below:

docker exec -it pgdb-container psql "postgres://your.username:rapsqladm@pgdb:5432/rapsql"

Once you are connected to postgres via CLI you can get information about your session by entering


You can disconnect and quit this CLI by entering


Web Links

Hopefully everything is working properly now... good job 👍

We can open some of our fresh deployed services 💎 in a Browser 💻. Maybe you need to change localhost to your machines host-ip or hostname, when using a remote system.

Swagger UI for documentation of PostgREST API


pgAdmin4 to interact with Postgres ➕ Apache Age ➕ PostgREST


Apache AGE Viewer


RAPSQL Features

Cypher query via REST + JSON response

Use either curl or Swagger UI, if you have this service set up. Here's an example to interact with Swagger UI to perform cypher queries:

  1. Open Swagger UI in browser http://localhost:8080/#/(rpc)%20rapsql_query/post_rpc_rapsql_query
  2. Push button 'Try it out' (on top right of this rpc)
  3. For instance use one of the JSON bodies below and execute

Directed relation, n attributes

  "querystring": "SELECT * FROM cypher('countries', $$ MATCH (country {currency: 'EUR'})<-[r]-(city) RETURN, $$) as (_country agtype, _city agtype) LIMIT 100"

AGE type ::vertex

  "querystring": "SELECT * FROM cypher('countries', $$ MATCH (v) RETURN (v) $$) as (_result ag_catalog.agtype) LIMIT 3"

AGE type ::edge

  "querystring": "SELECT * FROM cypher('countries', $$ MATCH (country)<-[e]-(city) RETURN (e) $$) as (_result agtype) LIMIT 3"

AGE type ::path (modified test code from AGE )

  "querystring": "SELECT * FROM cypher('countries', $$ WITH [{id: 0, label: 'label_name_1', properties: {i: 0}}::vertex, {id: 2, start_id: 0, end_id: 1, label: 'edge_label', properties: {i: 0}}::edge, {id: 1, label: 'label_name_2', properties: {}}::vertex]::path as p RETURN p $$) AS (_result agtype)"

This user defined function works for multiple results of attributes and rows. Different agtype's like ::vertex, ::edge, or ::path will be expanded in JSON as _type result.

Further Development

The goal of this project is to evaluate drop-in replacements of graph databases with Postgres.

Progress of custom rapsql features can be found in ./dev*.

  1. Function for JSON return by a dynamic string query as Remote Procedure Call (done but experimental)
  2. Research and implementation of a transpiler module for SPARQL to Cypher (to do)
  3. Drop-in replacement for a SPARQL triplestore (to do)

Community and Services

There is still one thing left... support the open source community:grey_exclamation: :heart:

Give Postgres, Apache AGE, Apache AGE Viewer, pgAdmin 4, PostgREST, Swagger-UI and RAPSQL a star if you like 🌟 😍


This project is based on a feasibility study 🔍 as part of the master's program in computer science @ DHBW CAS 🎓 and a possible use case of OpenSemanticLab (OSL) @ Fraunhofer ISC Digital Transformation 🔬


Containerized service stack 'Restful Age PostgreSQL' (rapsql) as ready to use dev environment.







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