The API server for the OpenShift web console, part of the OpenShift application platform.
The web console server runs as a pod on the platform. The OpenShift master
proxies requests from the web console context root, typically /console/
, to
the server running in the pod. The pod then serves the static HTML, JavaScript,
and CSS files that make up the console.
The web console assets themselves are developed in the origin-web-console repository. They are included in the web console server binary using go-bindata.
To build the binary, run
$ make
To build the RPM and origin-web-console image, run
$ OS_BUILD_ENV_PRESERVE=_output/local/bin hack/env make build-images
If you use openshift-ansible
or run oc cluster up
, the console will be installed for you. If you start
OpenShift another way, you'll need to install the console template.
Clone the origin repository and
edit the file install/origin-web-console/console-config.yaml
for your
cluster. Then run the commands:
$ oc login -u system:admin
$ oc create namespace openshift-web-console
$ oc process -f install/origin-web-console/console-template.yaml -p "API_SERVER_CONFIG=$(cat install/origin-web-console/console-config.yaml)" | oc apply -n openshift-web-console -f -
See for instructions on how to update the Go tooling used by this project.
A Jenkins job automatically vendors the dist files from origin-web-console into this repository periodically. Typically you don't need to manually vendor the console dist, but you might want to build an origin-web-console image with changes that haven't merged.
To vendor the console manually, run grunt build
in the origin-web-console
repo to build the dist files with your changes, then run make vendor-console
to vendor. For example:
$ GIT_REF=master CONSOLE_REPO_PATH=$HOME/git/origin-web-console COMMIT=1 make vendor-console