…_yaml: Add EC2 endpoint
The machine-API currently ignores the proxy configuration, although
future machine-API might grow support for it [1]. That means CI jobs
in the blackhole VPC die on i/o timeouts trying to reach
https://ec2.${region}.amazonaws.com/ while provisioning compute
machines, and the install subsequently dies because we fail to
schedule monitoring, ingress, and other compute-hosted workloads [2].
This commit adds a VPC endpoint to allow EC2 access from inside the
cluster [3]. It's similar to the existing S3 VPC endpoint, but:
* It's an interface type, while S3 needs the older gateway type. This
Endpoint type (Gateway) does not match available service types
([Interface]). (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code:
InvalidParameter; Request ID: ...; Proxy: null)
while creating the stack.
* There are no RouteTableIds, because the interface type does not
support them. This avoids:
Route table IDs are only supported for Gateway type VPC
Endpoint. (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code:
InvalidParameter; Request ID: ...; Proxy: null)
while creating the stack.
* I've created a new security group allowing HTTPS connections to the
endpoint, because SecurityGroupIds is required for interface
endpoints [3]. I've also placed the network interfaces in the
public subnets, because SubnetIds is requried for interface
endpoints [3].
* I've set PrivateDnsEnabled [3] so the machine-API operator doesn't
have to do anything special to get DNS routing it towards the
endpoint interfaces.
Rolled out to the CI account following 9b39dd2 (Creating private
subnets without direct external internet access and updating proxy e2e
to use this instead, 2020-07-20, openshift#10355):
for REGION in us-east-1 us-east-2 us-west-1 us-west-2
if test us-west-1 = "${REGION}"
for INDEX in 1
aws --region "${REGION}" cloudformation update-stack --stack-name "${NAME}" --template-body "$(cat ci-operator/step-registry/ipi/conf/aws/blackholenetwork/blackhole_vpc_yaml.md)" --parameters "ParameterKey=AvailabilityZoneCount,ParameterValue=${COUNT}" >/dev/null
aws --region "${REGION}" cloudformation wait stack-update-complete --stack-name "${NAME}"
SUBNETS="$(aws --region "${REGION}" cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name "${NAME}" | jq -c '[.Stacks[].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey | endswith("SubnetIds")).OutputValue | split(",")[]]' | sed "s/\"/'/g")"
echo "${REGION}_$((INDEX - 1))) subnets=\"${SUBNETS}\";;"
We could also have deleted the previous stacks, used 'create-stack'
instead of 'update-stack', and used 'stack-create-complete' instead of
Unsurprisingly, since we were not updating the subnets themselves, the
output has not changed:
us-east-1_0) subnets="['subnet-0a7491aa76f9b88d7','subnet-0f0b2dcccdcbc7c1d','subnet-0680badf68cbf198c','subnet-02b25dd65f806e41b','subnet-010235a3bff34cf6f','subnet-085c78d8c562b5a51']";;
us-east-2_0) subnets="['subnet-0ea117d9499ef624f','subnet-00adc83d4719d4176','subnet-0b9399990fa424d7f','subnet-060d997b25f5bb922','subnet-015f4e65b0ef1b0e1','subnet-02296b47817923bfb']";;
us-west-1_0) subnets="['subnet-0d003f08a541855a2','subnet-04007c47f50891b1d','subnet-02cdb70a3a4beb754','subnet-0d813eca318034290']";;
us-west-2_0) subnets="['subnet-05d8f8ae35e720611','subnet-0f3f254b13d40e352','subnet-0e23da17ea081d614','subnet-0f380906f83c55df7','subnet-0a2c5167d94c1a5f8','subnet-01375df3b11699b77']";;
so no need to update ipi-conf-aws-blackholenetwork-commands.sh.
I generated the reaper keep-list following 1b21187 (ci-operator:
Fresh AWS shared subnets for us-east-2, etc., 2020-01-30, openshift#6949):
for REGION in us-east-1 us-east-2 us-west-1 us-west-2
for INDEX in 1
aws --region "${REGION}" resourcegroupstaggingapi get-resources --tag-filters "Key=aws:cloudformation:stack-name,Values=${NAME}" --query 'ResourceTagMappingList[].ResourceARN[]' | jq -r ".[] | . + \" # CI exclusion per DPP-5789, ${REGION} ${NAME}\""
done | sort
and passed that along to the Developer Productivity Platform (DPP)
folks so they can update their reaper config.
[1]: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1769223
[2]: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1875773
[3]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html