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Weekly check in 2012.05.03
Andrew Byrd edited this page Dec 17, 2014
1 revision
- 13:32 <novalis_dt> Good afternoon/morning/evening, everyone
- 13:32 <demory> hello
- 13:32 <abyrd> EvanCC, sure, go ahead. Do whatever you need to do.
- 13:32 <abyrd> Hi everyone
- 13:32 <kpw> hi!
- 13:32 <novalis_dt> I've been fixing a few bugs -- today, I've got a new area bug, and I'll patch that elevation issue if no one here objects.
- 13:33 -!- atogle [~textual@173-12-5-74-Philadelphia.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
- 13:33 <demory> no objection here
- 13:34 <demory> My update: have the new version of deployer working on the test cluster. just finished copying everything over to the public-facing AWS cluster and am doing some testing... if that goes well I'll be sending out an email to the list inviting people to try it out later today
- 13:34 <novalis_dt> g
- 13:34 <demory> it should basically look the same from the user perspective, but behind the scenes things are very different
- 13:34 <kpw> great!
- 13:35 <demory> after that's finished i plan to move on to setting up a demo for DC w/ bike sharing enabled
- 13:36 <abyrd> I'm just straightening out some dependency problems after merging my branch into master. Transferred the CI server over to the OpenPlans hosted machine.
- 13:36 <kpw> oh cool! what's the url for the ci?
- 13:38 <abyrd> ci.opentripplanner.org
- 13:38 <FrankX> We're talking to TriMet's customer service folks tomorrow (same folks as last summer, demory), to see what they need. Do you guys have any questions for them? Is anyone else asking for call-center functionality?
- 13:39 <abyrd> anyone who wants to receive emails on every build failure (not just those caused by your own commits) let me know.
- 13:39 <novalis_dt> FrankX, I think once people see what we write, they'll want it.
- 13:42 <novalis_dt> Anyone else been up to anything exciting?
- 13:42 <FrankX> novalis_dt, are you embarking on an OSM change viewer tool?
- 13:43 <FrankX> (that would be exciting)
- 13:43 <novalis_dt> Well, not a change viewer
- 13:43 <novalis_dt> So much as a change tracker
- 13:43 <novalis_dt> That is, I would like to be able to attach data to OSM way segments and have that be as stable as possible across OSM changes
- 13:43 <kpw> FrankX, we're looking to do more with osm workflow management
- 13:43 <novalis_dt> (i.e. node additions, deletions, property changes, way splitting, etc)
- 13:43 <mele> our scheduling folks would love something like that too
- 13:44 <FrankX> yeah, all good, useful stuff...will be tracking with interest
- 13:45 <novalis_dt> mele, what would your scheduling folks do with it?
- 13:45 <mele> well what they really need is some way to match things they do in their system to OSM data when we push in an update
- 13:46 <novalis_dt> Out of curiousity, what are they doing now?
- 13:46 <mele> they just use a jurisdictional dataset with IDs that really never change
- 13:47 <mele> and maintain their own copy, updating when they get change updates, I think
- 13:47 <mele> manually making changes in it
- 13:48 <mele> sorry, I know I'm not being very clear
- 13:48 <novalis_dt> Is there any work in the OSM community on this?
- 13:48 <mele> I haven't seen anything...
- 13:48 <novalis_dt> OK, so we'll be the first.
- 13:49 <grant_h> I think what they ultimately want is static way ids or at least a way to know when they change
- 13:49 <novalis_dt> Yeah, that would be nice
- 13:49 <novalis_dt> It's a bit complicated because a way's successor could be zero, one, two, or even more ways
- 13:50 <grant_h> right, and if the way is remapped and the geometry is a little different it's difficult to associate it with a previous feature
- 13:51 <novalis_dt> yeah
- 13:51 <novalis_dt> I have some theories, but so far they are only theories
- 13:52 <kpw> novalis_dt, sending some geogit/geodiff writing from cholmes your way
- 13:52 <novalis_dt> Awesome.
- 13:52 <novalis_dt> I just made an OSM change (only about my second) that might actually be a nice test case.
- 13:53 <FrankX> I can't say how, but I'd like to have an OSM tool that told me when 'important' changes are made, so that I can both test things more, and know when to update my street base...
- 13:53 <novalis_dt> What's important?
- 13:53 <FrankX> (was kinda surprised when looking for such a thing that nothing seemed to exist)
- 13:54 <FrankX> major arterials would be a start
- 13:54 <novalis_dt> Ok, highway=trunk or highway=primary
- 13:55 <kpw> FrankX, that's exactly it... also useful to quickly highlight what changed and give you a way to QA those changes
- 13:55 <kpw> in a workflow
- 13:55 <FrankX> maybe stuff that connects close by the transit network...just because 1000s of edits happen in OSM, if it's mapping a new condo develeopment, I probably don't care...
- 13:55 <FrankX> exactly, kpw
- 13:56 <kpw> yeah, if we can find the money (got a lead on that front) we'll build that
- 13:59 <novalis_dt> OK, anyone have anything else exciting?
- 13:59 -!- EvanCC [EvanCC2@nat/openplans.org/x-cozcyqlstfyzbyok] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
- 13:59 <demory> nothing here
- 14:00 <novalis_dt> I'm also upgrading to Precise Pangolin, which is not exciting, but might make my computer happier.
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