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Notebooks Development CI Test Speedup

Helena Kloosterman edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 2 revisions

To prevent tests from taking too much time, it is possible to add metadata to the notebook. The .ci/ script is run in the CI and patches the notebooks with the content in the metadata for the cell to be patched.

For example: nr of epochs is changed from 15 to 1 in 301-tensorflow-training-openvino-pot.ipynb by adding {"test_replace": {"epochs = 15": "epochs = 1"} to the cell metadata of the cell that contains epochs = 15. (Test notebooks are written to test_notebookname.ipynb so the patch_notebooks script does not overwrite existing notebooks - this is useful if you want to run this script locally too).

To add metadata to a notebook, click on the gear icon to the right of the notebook in Jupyter Lab. If no metadata exists yet, just create a new dictionary with the test_replace key.

After editing the cell metadata, click on the checkmark above the edit field to save the metadata, and then save the notebook.



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