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2024‐03‐14 ‐ Credo Meeting Notes

Berend Sliedrecht edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 5 revisions

2024‐03-14 - Credo Meeting Notes



Status Updates

  • Bifold Wallet
    • Finished switching to OWF
    • PR will be opened this week for W3C AnonCreds integration for credentials and proofs
  • Aries WG


  • 0.5.0 Release
    • REST extension will be picked up again, hopefully finished somewhere next week!
  • OpenID
    • Mattr Launchpad should work with the openid4vc-holder functionality (possibly???)
    • Sphereon wallet & issuer & verifier
    • does not seem to work
  • Profiles concept


The goal of a profile is to provide some setup/validation/configuration to make it easier to use your agent for a specific use case.

For example a HAIP Agent, ARF Agent or AIP 2.0 Agent.

Example 1: agent instances

import { HaipAgent }  from '@credo-ts-profiles/haip'

const haipAgent = new HaipAgent({
	config: {}, // override defaults here
	modules: {}, // override defaults here
	dependencies: {} // same

const issuer = agent.modules.haip.createIssuer()

import { Aip2Agent }  from '@credo-ts-profiles/aip2'

const aip2Agent = new Aip2Agent({
	config: {}, // override defaults here
	modules: {}, // override defaults here
	dependencies: {} // same

Here for example the Aip2Agent comes with didcomm support and toplevel support for the formats that are required for aip 2.0.

The HAIP agent comes with openid, etc.

Dual agent is.... idk. But we need a way to combine profiles

Meeting notes

  • ...

Future topics