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Component part of OpenDAX Trading Platform
React application to build a trading platform interface for use with OpenDAX:
You can see an example of a live application running at: If you need customization from the experts contact us:
Please note, that BaseApp license only allows Non-Commercial use of this component. To purchase the Commercial license, please contact us at
$ yarn install
$ yarn start-mock
This command will also start a fake api backend for helping development. Once you happy with the result, save, build an image and run it with OpenDAX docker compose system.
In <rootDir>
$ yarn test
Check test coverage:
$ yarn test -- --coverage --watchAll
For more options for jest
run yarn test --help
Configuration file is located in public/config/env.js
Argument | Description |
api |
URLs of barong , peatio , applogic and ranger API endpoints. You can use mockserver ( with default env.js values |
minutesUntilAutoLogout |
Autologout time in minutes |
withCredentials |
false or true if you want to include cookies as part of the request( |
gaTrackerKey |
Google Analytics tracker key |
rangerReconnectPeriod |
Reconnection time for the Ranger WS service in minutes |
msAlertDisplayTime |
Alert message display duration in milliseconds |
kycSteps |
List of label names for KYC process |
While building a Docker image you can pass build-dependant arguments using --build-arg
docker build -t baseapp:latest --build-arg BUILD_DOMAIN="" .
Argument | Description |
Unix Timestamp of the build expiration date in seconds |
Domain which you'd like to use during the deployment |
Install dependencies using npm. Important for mobile app development.
npm install
Build frontend
yarn build
Generate a native project (ios, android)
ionic capacitor add <platform>
To build a native app you should have Xcode or Android studio on your local machine.
1. Install Xcode
Xcode is the IDE for creating native iOS apps. It includes the iOS SDK and Xcode command-line tools. Xcode can be downloaded for free with an Apple account or it can be installed through the App Store. Once Xcode is installed, make sure the command-line tools are selected for use:
xcode-select --install
2. Set up a development team
All iOS apps must be code signed, even for development. Luckily, Xcode makes this easy with automatic code signing. The only prerequisite is an Apple ID.
Open Xcode and navigate to Xcode » Preferences » Accounts. Add an Apple ID if none are listed. Once logged in, a Personal Team will appear in the team list of the Apple ID.
3. Create an iOS Simulator
You can test your mobile application with a connected Iphone device to the Mac or using IOS Simulator. Open Xcode and navigate to Window » Devices and Simulators. Create an iPhone 11 simulator if one does not already exist.
4. Set configs
Open the capacitor.config.json
file and modify the appId
Put the name of BE server:
"server": {
"hostname": ""
5. Open the project in Xcode.
Launch Xcode with a prepared app:
ionic capacitor run ios
6. Check Xcode configuration In Project navigator, select the project root to open the project editor. Under the Identity section, verify that the Package ID that was set matches the Bundle Identifier.
In the same project editor, under the Signing section, ensure Automatically manage signing is enabled. Then, select a Development Team. Given a Development Team, Xcode will attempt to automatically prepare provisioning and signing.
7. Update native app with the changes
With each meaningful change, Ionic apps must be built into web assets before the change can appear on iOS simulators and devices. The web assets then must be copied into the native project:
ionic capacitor copy ios
8. Build IOS app
To receive an executable app file run 'build' command on Xcode. You need to have an Apple Developer account to be able to extract an executable file from Xcode.
1. Install Android studio
Android Studio is IDE, that provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device.
2. Open the capacitor.config.json
file and modify the linuxAndroidStudioPath
Run next command
whereis android-studio
3. Build your android application
ionic capacitor add android
4. Launch android application with Android Studio
ionic capacitor run android
5. Android Studio configuration
Select connected android device or configure device simulator, which required
6. Update app with the changes
ionic capacitor copy android [options]
7. Set ANDROID_SDK_ROOT variale
Set android ask path to ANDROID_SDK_ROOT or write sdk.dir variable in android/ file (it doesn't exist as a default)
8. Build android app
Build android app using Android Studio Build tab
or you can build apk file with command line
Debug build:
ionic capacitor copy android && cd android && ./gradlew assembleDebug && cd ..
Release build:
For release build you have to create keystore path and keystore alias and run next command:
cd android &&
./gradlew assembleRelease &&
cd app/build/outputs/apk/release &&
jarsigner -keystore YOUR_KEYSTORE_PATH -storepass YOUR_KEYSTORE_PASS app-release-unsigned.apk YOUR_KEYSTORE_ALIAS &&
zipalign 4 app-release-unsigned.apk app-release.apk
If you have designed something beautiful with it, we would love to see it!
And if you have any comments, feedback and suggestions - we are happy to hear from you here at GitHub or at
This code is open for helping private modification and performing customer demonstration, you can use it for raising capital. You cannot use it for a live platform without getting a commercial license from us.
Contact us if you'd like to purchase a commercial license.
If you would like to fork, and modify this UI to create a BaseApp theme, we would be happy to setup a partnership program and sell your work provided a revenue sharing.
Made with love from Paris and Kiev.