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Talk to us

Oles Didukh edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 1 revision

We want to make it super-easy for Peatio users and contributors to talk to us and connect with each other, to share ideas, solve problems and help make Peatio awesome. Here are the main channels we're running currently, we'd love to hear from you on one of them:


Rubykube Discourse Forum

This is for all Peatio users. You can find guides, recipes, questions, and answers from Snowplow users including the team.

We welcome questions and contributions!



Chat with us and other community members on Telegram.


Peatio issues

If you spot a bug, then please raise an issue in our main GitHub project (rubykube/peatio); likewise, if you have developed a cool new feature or improvement in your Rubykube Peatio fork, then send us a pull request!

If you want to brainstorm a potential new feature, then the Rubykube Discourse Forum (see above) is probably a better place to start.


If you want to talk directly to us (e.g. about a commercially sensitive issue), email is the easiest way.

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