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Merge pull request #27 from openx/feat/openxrtb-adapter-0526-copy
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OpenX OpenRTB Adapter
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hrgui authored May 26, 2020
2 parents a374509 + 4753127 commit 4e68b34
Showing 1 changed file with 302 additions and 0 deletions.
302 changes: 302 additions & 0 deletions modules/openxRtbBidAdapter.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
import { config } from 'src/config';
import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory';
import {BANNER, VIDEO} from '../src/mediaTypes';
import * as utils from '../src/utils';

const bidderConfig = 'hb_pb_rtb';
const bidderVersion = '3.x.x';

export const spec = {
code: 'openxrtb',
supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER, VIDEO],


* from openxBidAdapter
* ported for feature parity
* @param bidRequest
* @return {boolean}
function isBidRequestValid(bidRequest) {
const hasDelDomainOrPlatform = bidRequest.params.delDomain
|| bidRequest.params.platform;

if (utils.deepAccess(bidRequest, 'mediaTypes.banner')
&& hasDelDomainOrPlatform) {
return !!bidRequest.params.unit
|| utils.deepAccess(bidRequest, 'mediaTypes.banner.sizes.length') > 0;

return !!(bidRequest.params.unit && hasDelDomainOrPlatform);

let impToBidIdMap = {};
function buildRequests(validBidRequests, bidderRequest) {
const hasBids = bidderRequest.bids.length > 0;
const transactionID = hasBids ? bidderRequest.bids[0].transactionId : null;
if (!hasBids || !transactionID) {
return [];

const bc = bidderRequest.bids[0].params.bc || `${bidderConfig}_${bidderVersion}`;
const delDomain = bidderRequest.bids[0].params.delDomain || null;
const platformId = bidderRequest.bids[0].params.platform || null;
const configPageUrl = config.getConfig('pageUrl');
const commonImpFieldsMap = getCommonImpFieldsMap(bidderRequest,
delDomain, platformId);
const maybeDoNotTrack = () => !window.navigator.doNotTrack
? {}
: {dnt: window.navigator.doNotTrack};
const maybePlatformIdOrDelDomain = ((delDomain, platId) => {
let fields = {};
if (platId) {
fields = {...fields, platformId: platId};
if (delDomain) {
fields = {...fields, delDomain};
return fields;

// update imp to bid map with current request bids
impToBidIdMap = validBidRequests.reduce((impMap, bidRequest) => ({
[bidRequest.transactionId]: bidRequest.bidId,
}), {});
const data = {
id: bidderRequest.auctionId,
cur: ['USD'],
at: 1, // (1: first-price-, 2: second-price-) auction
tmax: config.getConfig('bidderTimeout'), // defaults to 3000msecs
site: {
domain: configPageUrl || utils.getWindowTop().location.hostname,
page: configPageUrl
|| bidderRequest.refererInfo.canonicalUrl
|| bidderRequest.refererInfo.referer,
ref: bidderRequest.refererInfo.referer,
user: getUser(validBidRequests[0].userId, validBidRequests[0].userIdAsEids),
regs: {
coppa: config.getConfig('coppa') === true ? 1 : 0,
ext: {
...maybePlatformIdOrDelDomain(delDomain, platformId),
imp: getImps(validBidRequests, commonImpFieldsMap),
device: {
ua: window.navigator.userAgent,
language: window.navigator.language.split('-').shift(),
return [{
method: 'POST',
url: '',
options: {
contentType: 'application/json',

* converts any valid bid request to an impression field
* see:
* @param validBidRequests
* @param commonImpFieldsMap
* @return openRTB imp[]
function getImps(validBidRequests, commonImpFieldsMap) {
const maybeImpExt = customParams => customParams ? {ext: {customParams}} : {};
const maybeImpRegs = regs => Object.keys(regs.ext).length > 0 ? {regs} : null;
const maybeImpUser = user => Object.keys(user.ext).length > 0 ? {user} : null;

return => ({
id: bidRequest.transactionId,
tagid: bidRequest.params.unit,
bidfloor: bidRequest.params.customFloor || 0, //default bidfloorcurrency is USD

function getBannerImp(bidRequest) {
if (!bidRequest.mediaTypes.banner) {
return null;
// each size element is of the format [w, h]
// mediaTypeSizes is an array of size elements, e.g. [[w, h], [w, h], ...]
const toBannerImpFormatArray = mediaTypeSizes =>[w, h]) => ({w, h}));
return {
banner: {
id: bidRequest.bidId,
topframe: utils.inIframe() ? 1 : 0,
format: toBannerImpFormatArray(bidRequest.mediaTypes.banner.sizes),

* for the openrtb param, see:
* @param bidRequest
* @return {null|{video: {w: *, h: *, id: number}}}
function getVideoImp(bidRequest) {
if (! {
return null;
if (bidRequest.params.openrtb) {
return {
video: {...bidRequest.params.openrtb, id: 1},
const [w, h] =[0];
return {
video: {
id: bidRequest.bidId,

* typical fields are gdpr, usp and maybe global hb_pb settings
* @param bidderRequest see auction.js:L30
* @param delDomain string?
* @param platformId string?
* @return {{ext: {customParams: ?}, regs: {ext: {us_privacy: string, gdpr: boolean}}, user: {ext: {consent: string}}}}
function getCommonImpFieldsMap(bidderRequest, delDomain, platformId) {
const doesGdprApply = utils.deepAccess(bidderRequest,
'gdprConsent.gdprApplies', null);
const maybeEmptyGdprConsentString = utils.deepAccess(bidderRequest,
'gdprConsent.consentString', null);

const stripNullVals = map =>
.filter(([key, val]) => null !== val) // filter out null values
// convert the rest back to fields
.reduce((newMap, [key, val]) => ({
[key]: typeof val !== 'object' ? val : stripNullVals(val),
}), {});

return stripNullVals({
regs: {
ext: {
gdpr: doesGdprApply !== null ? !!doesGdprApply : null,
us_privacy: bidderRequest.uspConsent || null,
user: {
ext: {
consent: maybeEmptyGdprConsentString,

* gets a userId field by parsing pbjs user id module enrichments
* @param userIdDataMap
* @param eids openrtb eids
function getUser(userIdDataMap, eids) {
if (!userIdDataMap) {
return {};

const maybeDigitrust = getMaybeDigitrustId(userIdDataMap);
return {
ext: {

function getMaybeDigitrustId(userIdDataMap) {
const maybeDigitrustData = userIdDataMap.digitrustid &&;
const {id, keyv} = maybeDigitrustData || {};
if (!id) {
return null;
return {digitrust: {id, keyv,}};

function interpretResponse(resp, req) {
const oxSeatBidName = 'OpenX';
const oxDefaultBidRespTTLSecs = 300;
const respBody = resp.body;
if ('nbr' in respBody) {
return [];
const oxSeatBid = respBody.seatbid
.find(seatbid => === oxSeatBidName) || {bid: []};

return => ({
requestId: impToBidIdMap[bid.impid],
cpm: bid.price,
width: bid.w,
height: bid.h,
creativeId: bid.crid,
dealId: bid.dealid,
currency: respBody.cur || "USD",
netRevenue: true, // true?
ttl: oxDefaultBidRespTTLSecs, // secs before the bid expires and become unusable, from oxBidAdapter
ad: bid.adm,

* from openxBidAdapter
* ported for feature parity
* @param syncOptions
* @param responses
* @param gdprConsent
* @param uspConsent
* @return {{type: (string), url: (*|string)}[]}
function getUserSyncs(syncOptions, responses, gdprConsent, uspConsent) {
if (syncOptions.iframeEnabled || syncOptions.pixelEnabled) {
let pixelType = syncOptions.iframeEnabled ? 'iframe' : 'image';
let url = utils.deepAccess(responses, '') ||
utils.deepAccess(responses, '0.body.pixels') ||
getDefaultSyncUrl(gdprConsent, uspConsent);

return [{
type: pixelType,
url: url

function getDefaultSyncUrl(gdprConsent, uspConsent) {
let url = '';
let queryParamStrings = [];

if (gdprConsent) {
queryParamStrings.push('gdpr=' + (gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0));
queryParamStrings.push('gdpr_consent=' + encodeURIComponent(gdprConsent.consentString || ''));

if (uspConsent) {
queryParamStrings.push('us_privacy=' + encodeURIComponent(uspConsent));

return `${url}${queryParamStrings.length > 0 ? '?' + queryParamStrings.join('&') : ''}`;

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