Serendipity Styx 4.5.1
Serendipity Styx 4.5.1 Release
Please read the important changeLog NEWS (1) file for changes since Serendipity Styx 4.5.0 or the real commit history (2).
For direct downloads, auto fetches per wget or curl, use the attached named release zip
(MD5: )
(SHA1: 8121701aca7cd2c0227ab3a23648803136a905eb)
For Linux Distros or package manager fetching xz compressed formats: serendipity-4.5.1.tar.xz
(SHA256: 9113ca4f12f02d945c253db439a3c7d9a8fcbfe1e5f9c3165b23d1391b0f2f7f)
It'll be announced on the Styx Webpage
Migrational Upgrades
See previous release notes.
Attachment Note
Release zips and source-tagged GitHub zips differ in important aspects! The obvious difference is the installed directory name. For the Serendipity Autoupdate you need a named release file zip! This also is the preferred and recommended file, since it was created by the "" file process for permissions, integrity checksums, etc. If you want to help, for autoupgrades please enable Configuration - General Settings - Update notification option to "beta". This also works for stable releases.
Full Changelog: 4.5.0...4.5.1