Template for profile picture (PFP) NFTs. Demonstrates how to create PNGs from layers and store them on IPFS with the necessary metadata. Contains a smart contract for minting the NFTs and a decentralized app (dApp) for interacting with the contract.
Try it on the Rinkbey test network at https://opiethehokie.github.io/pfp-template.
While not a complete tutorial, this could be a good place to start if you have done some reasearch and have lingering questions around how smart contracts work or how to interact with smart contracts from JavaScript. You could play with this as-is for a learning exercise, or customize it and do your own NFT launch.
- install http://truffleframework.com/ganache local blockchain
- install https://nodejs.org/en/
- browser with Ethereum wallet like Metamask
- https://www.pinata.cloud/ account and API key (IPFS storage)
- https://infura.io/ account (deploying contract)
- https://etherscan.io/ account and API key (verifying contract)
Misc Setup:
- clone this repo and run
npm install
- add Ganache to wallet networks
- import some Ganache addresses to wallet for testing
- get fake ETH for the test user(s) on the Rinkeby test network
- populate .env file
Generate images:
- create layers in
directory - combine layers into PNGs:
npx nft-generate
node ipfs.js
to store PNGs and associated metadata on IPFS plus generate the base URI and provenance hash needed when deploying the contract- optional: submarine metadata in the Pinata UI until some later date to prevent trait sniping
Contract Development:
- compile:
npx truffle compile
- run tests:
npx truffle test
- re-deploy to Ganache personal blockchain:
npx truffle migrate --reset
- re-deploy to Rinkeby test network:
npx truffle migrate --network rinkeby --reset
with optional--dry-run
flag - verify contract:
npx truffle run verify MyCollectible --network rinkeby
Webapp Development:
- run locally:
npm run start
- unpause contract e.g. via
npx truffle console
- re-deploy to GitHub pages: update package.json homepage URL and
npm run deploy
Post-minting as contract owner:
- edit collection on OpenSea (images, description, royalties, etc.)
- claim ETH e.g. via
npx truffle console
- renounce ownership e.g. via
npx truffle console
Future extensions/optimizations:
- terms (like BAYC) and/or FAQ (like Chain Runners)
- generic image to show in web app before reveal day
- explore alternate minting processes for fairness
- remove ERC721Enumerable from contract because it uses a lot of gas
- deploy contract to a different testnet like Polygon's Mumbai
Other resources: