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Akshay edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 1 revision

dijo (>= v0.2.3), can be configured via a configuration file. After its first run, dijo creates a configuration file. dijo must be restarted for changes in the configuration file to take effect.

This file is saved in different directories based on your operating system:

  • GNU/Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dijo/config.toml
  • MacOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/rs.nerdypepper.dijo/config.toml
  • Win10: {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}\nerdypepper\dijo\config\config.toml

The default config file (created on first run) looks something like this, config.toml:

true_chr = "·"
false_chr = "·"
future_chr = "·"

reached = "cyan"
todo = "magenta"
inactive = "light black"


Variables in this section define the characters dijo uses in DAY mode to represent days of the month. Every value in this section must span exactly 1 character in length.

  • true_chr: The character to use in a Bit habit when the goal is reached

  • false_chr: The character to use in a Bit habit when the goal is not reached

  • future_chr: The character to use in a Bit habit when the day is untracked.


Variables in this section define the colors dijo uses in all modes:

  • reached: The color to use when the goal is reached for the day. This is also the color used in WEEK mode to fill the progress bar.

  • todo: The color to use when the goal is yet to be reached.

  • inactive: The color to use for unfocused habits and untracked days.

The values in this section are strings, and may be populated by one of the following:

 black               light black
 red                 light red
 green               light green
 yellow              light yellow
 blue                light blue
 magenta             light magenta
 cyan                light cyan
 white               light white

 default  -- uses your terminal's background color
 #123456  -- any color in hex (supported only on true color terminals)

Note: These values have to be quoted (ex.: reached = "black")