Application Poll for Opps
- Custom urls
- Custom templates
- Single or Multiple choice pool
- Results page
- Hide/Show results page
- Block multiple votes by cookie
- End date and Start date
- Allow images for each choice
- Set min and max allowed choices for voting
Django>1.5 Opps
python install
pip install opps-polls
Include opps.polls on your django settings
Include in your project before the opps entry
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^poll/', include('opps.polls.urls', namespace='polls', app_name='polls')),
url(r'^', include('opps.urls')),
Create the tables
python syncdb
You should see:
Creating table polls_poll
Creating table polls_pollpost
Creating table polls_choice
Now opps.polls is available on your Django admin and you can access the url http://..../poll/
- List all polls /poll/
- List all polls by channel /poll/channel/< channel-slug >
- Poll voting page /poll/< poll-slug >
- Poll results page /poll/< poll-slug >/results (you can use any word here i.e: /poll/< poll-slug >/resultados)
For any template the context has the following objects:
- poll (The poll)
- voted (The choices when the user has voted)
- error (A string message when there is some error)
Default template files
- polls/pool_list.html (List all polls)
- polls/pool_detail.html (Show details and voting form)
- polls/pool_voted.html (Showed after the user has voted)
- polls/pool_result.html (Results percentage)
- polls/pool_closed.html (Showed when poll is not opened for voting or results)
Custom template files
polls will try to find the most specific template to render. You can choose some ways to force a custom template In order of precedence:
- Set template_path in each poll object
- Create a polls/< channel-slug >/< poll-slug >_.html
- Create a polls/< channel-slug >_< sufix >.html
- Create a polls/< poll-slug >_< sufix >.html
- Create a polls/poll_< sufix >.html
Available sufix are: list, detail, voted, result, closed
The place to create issues is polls github issues <>
_. The more information you send about an issue, the greater the chance it will get fixed fast.
If you are not sure about something, have a doubt or feedback, or just want to ask for a feature, feel free to join our mailing list <>
_, or, if you're on FreeNode (IRC), you can join the chat #opps .
Copyright 2013 YACOWS <>
_. and other contributors
Licensed under the MIT License <>