You should create a cart page for online shop, please treat it as a part of a big application, so it should be well documented and maintainable. Your code should be uploaded on Github and your application should be available through a link (for example deployed to Github Pages).
- Load cart items with XHR request on cart page load (use any API mock services or just fetch .json file from folder with static)
- Each cart item should contain:
- Name
- Price
- Quantity
- Each cart item should have quantity switcher (+/-)
- Cart items should have the ability to be deleted from the list
- Your cart page should have a form for adding new cart item, the item should be added to the top of cart items list on form submit
- The cart should contain summary block with checkout button and totals for all the cart items
Design is totally up to you, the only requirement - don't use ready design systems, we would like to examine your CSS/HTML skills, we'll also pay attention to accessibility.
We write tests for all our production code, that is why we ask you to cover with tests at least one instance for every module (actions, reducers, components) in your app.