Install IntelliJ IDEA in https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
Select open project: comp4321-project
Open Spider.java in comp4321-projetc
Right click and run Spider.java
You can find the log in the console output
- To retrive the result from the db, open Phase1Test.java and right click "run"
The result will output to spider_result.txt
Please visit /docs
Please visit /data
O Pui Wai, 20198827, 40% CHAN Wing Yan Vannesa, 20212130, 30% TSUI Ka Wai, 20197524, 30%
In SearchEngine.java, change the path to the where your db file will locate, e.g. /home/ubuntu/comp4321/database
// TODO: Change DB_PARAM to your own path
final String DB_PATH = "/home/ubuntu/comp4321/database"; // change this the path where database.db located
Upload the WAR file using tomcat server admin panel
- Copy /data/database.db in project to the server, e.g. /home/ubuntu
- Change the file permission to public read write execute 777