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Oke 23005 with e2e test cases failing workload #50

Oke 23005 with e2e test cases failing workload

Oke 23005 with e2e test cases failing workload #50

Workflow file for this run

name: E2E Tests
pull_request: {}
# workflow_run:
# workflows: ["BuildnPush"]
# types:
# - completed
concurrency: dev_environment
OCI_CLI_USER: ${{ secrets.OCI_CLI_USER }}
# OCI_VAULT_ID: ${{ vars.VAULT_ID }}
# OCI_DEBUG: "--debug"
uses: ./.github/workflows/build-n-push.yaml
secrets: inherit
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Setup Vault and secrets
needs: [ build ]
OCI_VAULT_ID: ${{ vars.VAULT_ID }}
VAULT_SECRET_OCID: ${{ steps.extract-secret-ocid.outputs.VAULT_SECRET_OCID }}
- name: create env with random
id: gen-random
- name: Create vault if doesn't exist
if: ${{ vars.USE_EXISTING_VAULT != 'true' }}
uses: oracle-actions/run-oci-cli-command@v1.1
id: create-vault
silent: false
command: "kms management vault create --compartment-id ${{ vars.COMPARTMENT_ID }} --display-name ${{ vars.VAULT_NAME_PREFIX }}-${{ env.OCI_RANDOM }} --vault-type default"
query: ""
- name: get vault from previous output
if: ${{ vars.USE_EXISTING_VAULT != 'true' }}
run: echo "OCI_VAULT_ID=${{ steps.create-vault.outputs.raw_output }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: create key if doesn't exist
if: ${{ vars.USE_EXISTING_VAULT != 'true' }}
uses: oracle-actions/run-oci-cli-command@v1.1
id: create-vault-key
silent: false
command: "kms management key create --endpoint ${{ vars.VAULT_MGMT_ENDPOINT }} --compartment-id ${{ vars.COMPARTMENT_ID }} --display-name key-${RANDOM} --key-shape '{ \"algorithm\" : \"AES\", \"length\" : 32 }'"
query: ""
- name: create env for key id from create-vault-key output
if: ${{ vars.USE_EXISTING_VAULT != 'true' }}
run: echo "OCI_VAULT_KEY_ID=${{ steps.create-vault-key.outputs.raw_output }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: create secret in vault
uses: oracle-actions/run-oci-cli-command@v1.1
id: create-secret
silent: false
command: vault secret create-base64 --compartment-id ${{ vars.COMPARTMENT_ID }} --vault-id ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_ID }} --key-id ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_KEY_ID }} --secret-name ${{ vars.SECRET_NAME_PREFIX }}-${{ env.OCI_RANDOM }} --secret-content-content ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_VALUE }}"
# query: ""
- name: extract secret id
id: extract-secret-ocid
run: echo VAULT_SECRET_OCID=`echo ${{ steps.create-secret.outputs.output }} | jq -r ""` >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Setup Cluster
needs: [ build ]
OCI_CLUSTER_ID: ${{ steps.print-cluster-id.outputs.clusterId }}
# - name: create vcn if doesn't exist
# - name: get vcn id from previous output or existing var
# - name: create cluster
# if: ${{ vars.USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER != 'true' }}
# uses: oracle-actions/run-oci-cli-command@v1.1
# id: create-cluster
# with:
# silent: false
# command: "ce cluster create --compartment-id ${{ vars.COMPARTMENT_ID }}
# --vcn-id ${{ vars.VCN_ID }} --kubernetes-version ${{ vars.K8S_VERSION }}
# --wait-for-state succeeded"
# query: "data.secret-name"
# - name: create env for key id from create-vault-key output
# if: ${{ vars.USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER != 'true' }}
# run: echo "OCI_CLUSTER_ID=${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.raw_output }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: create nodepool
# if: ${{ vars.USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER != 'true' }}
# - name: get kubeconfig
# uses: oracle-actions/run-oci-cli-command@v1.1
# id: get-kube-config
# with:
# silent: false
# command: "ce cluster create-kubeconfig --cluster-id ${{ env.OCI_CLUSTER_ID }} --file $HOME/.kube/config --region ${{ env.OCI_CLI_REGION }} --token-version 2.0.0 --kube-endpoint PUBLIC_ENDPOINT"
- name: print cluster id from vars
id: print-cluster-id
run: echo "clusterId=${{ env.OCI_CLUSTER_ID }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Deploy Provider and Run Tests
needs: [ setup-vault , setup-cluster , build ]
OCI_VAULT_ID: ${{ needs.setup-vault.outputs.OCI_VAULT_ID }}
OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME: ${{ needs.setup-vault.outputs.VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}
OCI_VAULT_SECRET_OCID: ${{ needs.setup-vault.outputs.VAULT_SECRET_OCID }}
OCI_VAULT_SECRET_OCID_1: ${{ needs.setup-vault.outputs.VAULT_SECRET_OCID_1 }}
OCI_CLUSTER_ID: ${{ needs.setup-cluster.outputs.OCI_CLUSTER_ID }}
IMAGE_PATH : ${{ }}
OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME: ${{ needs.setup-vault.outputs.VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}
OCI_VAULT_SECRET_OCID: ${{ needs.setup-vault.outputs.VAULT_SECRET_OCID }}
OCI_CLUSTER_ID: ${{ needs.setup-cluster.outputs.OCI_CLUSTER_ID }}
- name: Configure Kubectl
uses: oracle-actions/configure-kubectl-oke@v1.3.1
id: test-configure-kubectl-oke-action
cluster: ${{ env.OCI_CLUSTER_ID }}
- name: test cluster access
run: kubectl get nodes -A
- name: create namespace in the cluster
continue-on-error: true
run: kubectl create namespace ${{ env.PROVIDER_NAMESPACE }}
# - name: Install Helm
# uses: azure/setup-helm@v3
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: split image path into repo and tag
id: split-image-path
run: |
echo PROVIDER_IMAGE_REPO=`echo ${{ env.IMAGE_PATH }} | sed -e "s/:.*$//"` >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo PROVIDER_IMAGE_TAG=`echo ${{ env.IMAGE_PATH }} | sed -e "s/.*://"` >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: print image values
run: |
echo ${{ steps.split-image-path.outputs.PROVIDER_IMAGE_REPO }}
echo ${{ steps.split-image-path.outputs.PROVIDER_IMAGE_TAG }}
- name: Deploy Helm chart
run: |
helm upgrade --install oci-provider charts/oci-secrets-store-csi-driver-provider \
--namespace ${{ env.PROVIDER_NAMESPACE }} \
--set "provider.image.repository=${{ steps.split-image-path.outputs.PROVIDER_IMAGE_REPO }},provider.image.tag=${{ steps.split-image-path.outputs.PROVIDER_IMAGE_TAG }}"
- name: list pods
run: |
kubectl get daemonset --namespace oci-provider \
--selector=' in (oci-secrets-store-csi-driver-provider, secrets-store-csi-driver)'
- name: user principal authentication - update auth file with correct values
run: |
sed -e 's/region:.*/region: ${{ env.OCI_CLI_REGION }}/' \
-e 's/tenancy:.*/tenancy: ${{ env.OCI_CLI_TENANCY }}/' \
-e 's/user:.*/user: ${{ env.OCI_CLI_USER }}/' \
-e 's/fingerprint:.*/fingerprint: ${{ env.OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT }}/' e2e/example/user-principal/user-auth-config-example.yaml > e2e/example/user-principal/user-auth-config-example.yaml.tmp
# - name: print updated yaml file
# run: cat e2e/example/user-auth-config-example.yaml.tmp
- name: user principal authentication - create namespace
# continue-on-error: true
run: kubectl create namespace app-user
- name: user principal authentication - delete secret if exists
continue-on-error: true
run: kubectl delete secret oci-config -n app-user
- name: user principal authentication - create kubernetes secret for user auth config
run: |
kubectl create secret generic oci-config \
--from-file=config=e2e/example/user-principal/user-auth-config-example.yaml.tmp \
--from-literal=private-key="${{ env.OCI_CLI_KEY_CONTENT }}" -n app-user
- name: user principal authentication - update spc file with correct values
run: |
sed -e 's/vaultId:.*/vaultId: ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_ID }}/' \
-e 's/authType:.*/authType: user/' \
-e 's/- name:.*/- name: ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}/' e2e/example/user-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml > e2e/example/user-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp
- name: user principal authentication - update deployment file with secret name
run: |
sed -e 's/testingSecretName:.*/testingSecretName: ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}/' \
e2e/example/user-principal/app.deployment.yaml > e2e/example/user-principal/app.deployment.yaml.tmp
- name: user principal authentication - print updated yaml file
run: cat e2e/example/user-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp
- name: user principal authentication - deploy spc
run: kubectl apply -f e2e/example/user-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp -n app-user
- name: user principal authentication - deploy workload
run: kubectl apply -f e2e/example/user-principal/app.deployment.yaml.tmp -n app-user
- name: user principal authentication - Wait for pod to run
id: wait-on-pod-user
# run: kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Running pods/${{ env.POD_NAME }} --timeout=90s
run: sleep 90
- name: user principal authentication - Verify pods are running
id: pod-names-user
run: kubectl get pods -l testingSecretName=${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} -o='' --no-headers -n app-user
- name: user principal authentication - capture pod name into env
run: echo "POD_NAME=`kubectl get pods -l testingSecretName=${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} -o='' --no-headers -n app-user`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: user principal authentication - print secret value
id: print-secret-content-user
run: echo "SECRET_CONTENT=`kubectl exec -n app-user -it ${{ env.POD_NAME }} -- cat /mnt/secrets-store/${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} 2> /dev/null | base64`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: convert to base64
# id: convert-to-base64
# run: echo -n ${{ steps.print-secret-content.outputs.output }} | base64
- name: user principal authentication - print values
run: echo "${{ env.SECRET_CONTENT }} == ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_VALUE}}"
- name: user principal authentication - verify value
run: if [ "${{ env.SECRET_CONTENT }}" == "${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_VALUE}}" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi
# End of user principal
- name: workload identity principal authentication - update spc file with correct values
run: |
sed -e 's/vaultId:.*/vaultId: ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_ID }}/' \
-e 's/authType:.*/authType: workload/' \
-e 's/- name:.*/- name: ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}/' e2e/example/workload-identity/secret-provider-class.yaml > e2e/example/workload-identity/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp
- name: workload identity principal authentication - update deployment file with secret name
run: |
sed -e 's/testingSecretName:.*/testingSecretName: workload-${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}/' \
e2e/example/workload-identity/app.deployment.yaml > e2e/example/workload-identity/app.deployment.yaml.tmp
- name: workload identity principal authentication - print updated yaml file
run: cat e2e/example/workload-identity/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp
- name: workload identity principal authentication - create namespace
# continue-on-error: true
run: kubectl create namespace app-workload
- name: workload identity principal authentication - deploy namespace and service account
run: kubectl apply -f e2e/example/workload-identity/service-account.yaml -n app-workload
- name: workload identity principal authentication - deploy spc
run: kubectl apply -f e2e/example/workload-identity/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp -n app-workload
- name: workload identity principal authentication - deploy workload
run: kubectl apply -f e2e/example/workload-identity/app.deployment.yaml.tmp -n app-workload
- name: workload identity principal authentication - Wait for pod to run
id: wait-on-pod-workload
# run: kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Running pods/${{ env.POD_NAME }} --timeout=90s
run: sleep 90
- name: workload identity principal authentication - Verify pods are running
id: pod-names-workload
run: kubectl get pods -l testingSecretName=workload-${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} -o='' --no-headers -n app-workload
- name: workload identity principal authentication - capture pod name into env
run: echo "POD_NAME=`kubectl get pods -l testingSecretName=workload-${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} -o='' --no-headers -n app-workload`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: workload identity principal authentication - print secret value
id: print-secret-content-workload
run: echo "SECRET_CONTENT=`kubectl exec -n app-workload -it ${{ env.POD_NAME }} -- cat /mnt/secrets-store/${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} 2> /dev/null | base64`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: workload identity principal authentication - print values
run: echo "${{ env.SECRET_CONTENT }} == ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_VALUE}}"
- name: workload identity principal authentication - verify value
run: if [ "${{ env.SECRET_CONTENT }}" == "${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_VALUE}}" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi
# End of workload identity principal
- name: instance principal authentication - update spc file with correct values
run: |
sed -e 's/vaultId:.*/vaultId: ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_ID }}/' \
-e 's/authType:.*/authType: instance/' \
-e 's/- name:.*/- name: ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}/' e2e/example/instance-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml > e2e/example/instance-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp
- name: instance principal authentication - update deployment file with secret name
run: |
sed -e 's/testingSecretName:.*/testingSecretName: instance-${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}/' \
e2e/example/instance-principal/app.deployment.yaml > e2e/example/instance-principal/app.deployment.yaml.tmp
- name: instance principal authentication - print updated yaml file
run: cat e2e/example/instance-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp
- name: instance principal authentication - create namespace
# continue-on-error: true
run: kubectl create namespace app-instance
- name: instance principal authentication - deploy spc
run: kubectl apply -f e2e/example/instance-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp -n app-instance
- name: instance principal authentication - deploy workload
run: kubectl apply -f e2e/example/instance-principal/app.deployment.yaml.tmp -n app-instance
- name: instance principal authentication - Wait for pod to run
id: wait-on-pod-instance
# run: kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Running pods/${{ env.POD_NAME }} --timeout=90s
run: sleep 90
- name: instance principal authentication - Verify pods are running
id: pod-names-instance
run: kubectl get pods -l testingSecretName=instance-${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} -o='' --no-headers -n app-instance
- name: instance principal authentication - capture pod name into env
run: echo "POD_NAME=`kubectl get pods -l testingSecretName=instance-${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} -o='' --no-headers -n app-instance`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: instance principal authentication - print secret value
id: print-secret-content-instance
run: echo "SECRET_CONTENT=`kubectl exec -n app-instance -it ${{ env.POD_NAME }} -- cat /mnt/secrets-store/${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} 2> /dev/null | base64`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: instance principal authentication - print values
run: echo "${{ env.SECRET_CONTENT }} == ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_VALUE}}"
- name: instance principal authentication - verify value
run: if [ "${{ env.SECRET_CONTENT }}" == "${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_VALUE}}" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi
# cleanup
- name: remove deployment - user principal authentication
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
kubectl delete -f e2e/example/user-principal/app.deployment.yaml.tmp \
-f e2e/example/user-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp -n app-user
- name: remove deployment - workload identity authentication
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
kubectl delete -f e2e/example/workload-identity/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp \
-f e2e/example/workload-identity/app.deployment.yaml.tmp \
-f e2e/example/workload-identity/service-account.yaml -n app-workload
- name: remove deployment - instance principal authentication
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
kubectl delete -f e2e/example/instance-principal/secret-provider-class.yaml.tmp \
-f e2e/example/instance-principal/app.deployment.yaml.tmp -n app-instance
- name: delete secret
if: ${{ always() }}
run: kubectl delete secret oci-config -n app-user
- name: uninstall provider
if: ${{ always() }}
run: helm uninstall oci-provider -n ${{ env.PROVIDER_NAMESPACE }}
- name: delete namespaces
if: ${{ always() }}
run: kubectl delete namespace app-user app-workload app-instance
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [deploy-provider]
name: Cleanup resources
OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME: ${{ needs.deploy-provider.outputs.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }}
OCI_VAULT_SECRET_OCID: ${{ needs.deploy-provider.outputs.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_OCID }}
OCI_CLUSTER_ID: ${{ needs.deploy-provider.outputs.OCI_CLUSTER_ID }}
- name: delete cluster
if: ${{ vars.USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER != 'true' }}
uses: oracle-actions/run-oci-cli-command@v1.1
command: "ce cluster delete --cluster-id ${{ env.OCI_CLUSTER_ID }} --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED"
# - name: get secret id
# id: get-secret-ocid
# uses: oracle-actions/run-oci-cli-command@v1.1
# with:
# command: "vault secret list --name ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_NAME }} --compartment-id ${{ vars.COMPARTMENT_ID }}"
# query: data[0].id
- name: delete secrets
uses: oracle-actions/run-oci-cli-command@v1.1
command: "vault secret schedule-secret-deletion --secret-id ${{ env.OCI_VAULT_SECRET_OCID }}"
# - name: delete vcn if created
# - name: delete vault if created