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a collaboration framework for operating cloudfoundry and services at scale

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cf-ops-automation (COA)

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This repo provides a collaboration framework for operating cloudfoundry and services at scale.

The goal is to automate most (if not all) interactive operations of Bosh/CF API/Iaas APIs through concourse pipelines, while keeping volume of boilerplate code low, and limit skills prereqs required to contribute services automation.

Core principles

  • foster open-source collaboration across operators through
    • automation of bosh/terraform best practices
      • simplified operations of large scale complex deployments (e.g. cloudfoundry + n dataservices incl. monitoring/alerting/logs ...):
      • portable distribution which bootstraps from raw Iaas with minimal external prereqs
      • concourse & git as primary UIs for operators
      • consistent operations of multiple environments (e.g. preprod/prod-region1/prod-region2/...)
      • scalability through multiple bosh directors
      • high avaibility through indepent regions support
      • offline/airgap support
    • opiniated collaboration framework
      • strict separation between template and configuration
        • template: shared across operation teams
        • configuration: specific to each operated environment
      • differentiated support for template authors and service operators:
        • feature branches, template release versions
    • declarative idempotent approach, leveraging:
      • terraform configurations (for Iaas, CF, K8S resources)
      • bosh deployment manifests
      • cloudfoundry application manifests
    • convention-over-configuration
      • concourse pipelines are generated and updated from directory/file naming conventions
      • consolidated bosh release version management
  • diversity of supported cloud and operators customizations
    • multiple iaas support (eg: openstack / vsphere / cloudstack)
    • rich yaml manifest templating support:
      • spruce enable leveraging bosh manifests
      • vars & operators, bosh cli v2 interpolate enable leveraging current bosh v2 syntax
    • conditional activation of deployments
    • extensibility through terraform providers

Skills prereqs

COA framework strives to limit skills prereqs for each persona, which the following table summarizes

Persona Skills
service operator git
concourse concepts (UI usage, no authoring as pipelines are generated)
template author git
terraform (*)
cf app manifest (*)
concourse-pipelines (*)
k8s (*)
COA framework developer ruby

(*) optional depending on contributed templates

Model Overview

COA takes templates and configurations as inputs, and generates concourse pipelines as outputs. Generated templates automatically reload and execute. As a result, resources (Iaas, Bosh, CF) gets provisioned and operated through pipelines.

Diagram inspired from Dreftymac

  • Templates are specified in a git repo (referred to as "paas-templates"). It contains a hierarchical structure with root deployment and nested deployment templates.
  • Configurations are specified in a git repo (referred to as "secrets"). Their structure mimics the template structure, indicating which deployment template should instanciated. See
  • Generated pipeline triggers provisioning of resources whose credentials and secrets are currently pushed into a git repo (referred to as "secrets"). The plan is to move all credentials to credhub.

A root deployment contains infrastructure to operate nested deployments.

  • A root deployment typically contains Iaas prereqs, Bosh director and its cloud-config, DNS infrastrucure, private git server, Concourse, log collection, monitoring/alerting, credhub, etc...
  • Nested deployments are resources created by a root deployment. This typically include cloudfoundry, admin-ui, services, ...

Sample deployment topology

This section provides an overview of the deployment topology and bootstrapping process used by the Orange CloudFoundy skill center team.

Overview of pipeline generation for bosh deployments.

Nb: source is in the plantuml file: bosh overview, see caching tips

The inception, micro-depls, master-depls, ops-depls, expe-depls are root deployments in Orange CF skill center infrastructure (each associated with a dedicated bosh director)

The nested deployment model enables a split of responsibility as the operations team scales.

The plan is to open source the Orange's CF skill center team template git repo in the near future (once the remaining secrets get cleaned up), watch paas-templates repo for incoming commits.

Generated pipelines

This sections describes the pipelines that COA generates and loads into concourse. Some are singletons while others are templated and instanciated for each root deployment.



  • cf-apps-pipeline: manages cf-apps associated to a root-deployment
  • bosh-pipeline: manages bosh deployments associated to a root-deployment
  • update-pipeline: generates updated pipelines related to a root-deployment
  • news-pipeline: notifies of new bosh release versions for a root-deployment

The following diagram illustrates the sequence of pipeline generation and loading

Overview of pipeline generation for bosh deployments.

Template engine reference documentation

This section details the format supported by the templating engine in both the template repo and the secrets repo.

Multi deployer support

Using this feature for a deployment to aggregate several operation to multiple "deployer". Currently we support:

  • bosh
  • concourse pipeline

There is no dependencies between deployer, it is processed independently.

Bosh deployer

Files included in template dir, in a deployment, are used by bosh-deployer

Concourse pipeline deployer

Files included in concourse-pipeline-config dir, in a deployment, are used by concourse-deployer

The base concourse file name should named like the directory and end with .yml

By default, this pipeline is not enabled, you need to activate it.

Resource lifecycle overview

The diagram below illustrates the concourse pipeline generation for two types of supported resources (Bosh deployments and CF apps). The diagram includes the main hooks that templating engine supports during the resources life cycle.

script lifecycle overview.

Bosh deployment resources template format

For each boshrelease, when an enable-deployment.yml file is found in the secrets repo, it is going to spruce all template files in the corresponding template repo dir (template files need to end with -tpl.yml extension).

If a template directory contains hook scripts with specific name, then these scripts get executed in the following order :

  1: can execute shell operation or spruce task. Restrictions: as the post-generation script is executed in the same docker image running spruce, no spiff is available. Environment variables available:

  * GENERATE_DIR: directory holding generated files. It's an absolute path.
  * BASE_TEMPLATE_DIR: directory where `` is located. It's an relative path.

  2: can execute shell operation (bosh, credhub, cf and spruce). Legacy support: script named are still supported Environment variables available:

  * GENERATE_DIR: directory holding generated files. It's an absolute path.
  * BASE_TEMPLATE_DIR: directory where `` is located. It's an relative path.
  * SECRETS_DIR: directory holding secrets related to current deployment. It's an relative path.

  3: can execute shell operation (including curl). Legacy support: script named are still supported Environment variables available:

  * GENERATE_DIR: directory holding generated files. It's an absolute path.
  * BASE_TEMPLATE_DIR: directory where `` is located. It's an relative path.
  * SECRETS_DIR: directory holding secrets related to current deployment. It's an relative path.
  • to generate an additional errand step, in a deployment-dependencies.yml file, insert a key errands with a subkey named like the errand job to execute

Iaas specifics support

Manifest generation supports dedicated part to Add directories (like openstack, cloudstack, etc...) for each specific iaas, in the template directory. Set a iaas-type credential in secrets repo to match the directory name.

Terraform specific

As all spec subdirectories are processed by terraform, it is not possible to use the same convention. So to support iaas-type with terraform, a directory called spec-<iaas-type> is required. Other terraform mechanisms applies.

Bosh cli v2 specific features support

The newest bosh feature are not implemented in bosh cli v1. So some feature are only available to deployments using bosh cli v2. This can be combined with iaas specifics support


By convention, all files in template dir matching *-operators.yml are used by bosh-deployment as ops-files inputs. Theses files are not processed by spruce.


By convention, all files in template dir matching *-vars-tpl.yml are processed by spruce and generate *-vars.yml files. As spruce is no longer required, it is also possible to include vars files directly, files matching *-vars.yml are used by bosh-deployment but ignored by spruce. Theses files are used by bosh-deployment as vars-files inputs.

Warning: if there is a naming conflict between *-vars-tpl.yml and *-vars.yml, the tpl wins !

Cloud and runtime config

Rules for ops-files and vars-files here. To support operators and vars files for cloud and runtime config, we have to define addition convention, as there are in the same directory.

  • *cloud-operators.yml: operators for cloud-config
  • *cloud-vars.yml: vars for cloud-config
  • *runtime-operators.yml: operators for runtime-config
  • *runtime-vars.yml: vars for runtime-config

Migration v1 to v2 tips: empty vars-files and ops-files are generated to avoid an error message

git submodules

By default, git submodules are not checked out (this can be very time consuming). But some bosh releases require these submodule. There is a mechanism to detect submodule for a release and include it only for this bosh release

enable deployment format (enable-deployment.yml)

this is expected to be an empty yaml file !

deployment dependencies format (deployment-dependencies.yml)

In deployment-dependencies.yml, it is possible to:

  • add secrets path to trigger the build:
            extented_scan_path: ["ops-depls/cloudfoundry", "...."]

Following is a deployment-dependencies.yml sample (should be placed in the boshrelease deployment dir):

  bosh-deployment: # or micro-bosh:
        repository: cloudfoundry-community/route-registrar-boshrelease
        repository: starkandwayne/shield-boshrelease
        repository: xxx/yyyy

Staring with COA 2.2, it is possible to use a generic key (bosh-deployment) or <deployment-name> (ie: the directory name) under deployment

Cloudfoundry application resources template format

For each cf-application, when a enable-cf-app.yml file is found, it is going to spruce all files in the template dir ending with -tpl.yml

If a template directory contains a file, then this script is run:

  • you are already logged in CF,
  • you have to download your binaries before uploading to CF

Environment variables available:

  • GENERATE_DIR: directory holding generated files. It's an absolute path.
  • BASE_TEMPLATE_DIR: directory where is located. It's an relative path.
  • SECRETS_DIR: directory holding secrets related to current deployment. It's an relative path.
  • CF_API_URL: current application Cloud Foundry API url
  • CF_USERNAME: current Cloud Foundry application user
  • CF_PASSWORD: current Cloud Foundry application user password
  • CF_ORG: current Cloud Foundry application organization
  • CF_SPACE: current Cloud Foundry application space

It is also possible to use a, it is like a 'post-cf-push' script with an inconsistent name (we reuse the same concourse task)... To interact easily with cloudfoundry, previously listed environment variables are available.

enable-cf-app.yml file format


pipeline auto-update

If a ci_deployments descriptor (i.e. a file called ci-deployment-overview.yml) is detected in secrets_dir/<depls>, then an auto-update job is generated.

Concourse team

By default all pipelines deploy into main team. But it is possible to add a team key to specify another team. See File format bellow.

WARNING: bootstrap or *-init pipelines must belong to main team

Pre-requisite: team to deploy must exist


ci-deployment-overview.yml may include a terraform_config key to generate a terraform pipeline.The terraform_config key must include a state_file_path key to indicate tfstate file path. It assumes that a spec dir is also included alongside the tfstate file.

file format

    target_name: concourse-ops
      state_file_path: ops-depls/tf-config-dir
        team: bootstrap #optional - Default: main
        config_file: xxxx/pipelines/ops-depls-generated.yml
        - xxx/pipelines/credentials-ops-depls-pipeline.yml
        - xxx/root-deployment.yml
        config_file: xxx/pipelines/ops-depls-cf-apps-generated.yml
        - xxx/pipelines/credentials-ops-depls-pipeline.yml
        - xxx/root-deployment.yml

delete lifecycle support

bosh deployment

It scans secrets/<root_deployment> for directories. If a enable-deployment.yml is found, deployment status is set to enabled, otherwise to disabled. disabled deployment are going to be candidates for deletion.

cf-app deployment


shared and private configuration

we provide a new config mechanism shared across all root deployments. A default will be provided by cf-ops-automation, but it is possible to override these values with a shared-config.yml file located in paas-template root directory. It also possible to override again with a private-config.yml file located in secrets root directory.

"paas-templates" and "secrets" repo structure examples

In /docs/reference_dataset, you find a set of Markdown files describing structure examples for the repos, links to example files as well as the lists of credentials needed by the generated pipelines to be deployed.

Those files are generated automatically following the specs given in features/.

Stemcell management

In order to be portable across multiple infrastructures, and allow for centralized stemcell upgrades, deployment authors rely on COA to manage stemcells including offline replication, uploading to bosh director and purge, and stemcell version selection at deployment time. Deployment authors therefore use the following syntax in their deployment manifests:

- alias: trusty
  os: ubuntu-trusty
  version: latest

At deployment time, the deployment manifest is transformed by COA to load the expected stemcell version (say 3586.25).

The same stemcell generation (currrently ubuntu-trusty) is used for all deployments as defined by authors in shared-config.yml or overloaded by operators in private-config.yml.

The exact stemcell version (say 3586.25) is used within a root-deployment as defined by authors in root-deployment.yml

COA development

Status and roadmap

See github issues.


Running the Test Suite


  • install ruby, gems and bundler (version >= 1.15.1):
    • gem install bundler
  • install dependent gems: bundle install --path vendor/bundle

If you are running the full test suite, some of the integration tests are dependent on the fly CLI.

To login to the Fly CLI and target the cf-ops-automation CI:

fly -t cf-ops-automation login

You will be prompted to select either the Github, UAA or Basic Auth authentication methods.

After these are set up, you will be able to run the test suite via:

bundler exec rspec

Generating pipelines locally and uploading a test version

While developing new pipelines, it might be easier to generate them locally and upload them manually to a concourse instance

fly -t preprod login -u login -p password -c concourse-url
./scripts/generate-depls.rb --depls cloudflare-depls -t ../paas-template/ -p ../bosh-cloudwatt-preprod-secrets/ --no-dump -i ./concourse/pipelines/template/tf-pipeline.yml.erb --iaas openstack
SECRETS=../bosh-cloudwatt-preprod-secrets/ TARGET_NAME=preprod ./scripts/concourse-manual-pipelines-update.rb -dcloudflare-depls

Once pipelines are correct, commit, pipelines would perform automated deployment, see scripts/

Local terraform development

In order to leverage IDE capabilities for terraform when editing TF config files (completion, syntax highlighting, etc.) , a consistent local environment is required, with spruce templates interpolated, and tf config files merged from template and secrets repo.

This also enables local execution for terraform plan and tf apply providing shorter feedback cycles.

The scripts/ script partially automates the set up of such local environment:

source scripts/

Submitting Pull Requests

  • All pull requests should be made against the develop branch. Only Pull Requests based on this branch trigger automated builds.

Releasing COA

Standard release

Use cf-ops-automation pipeline to perform a release. You may need to bump the version using one of the following jobs: major, minor or patch. Once the version is ok, simply launch ship-it job

Hotfix release

This type of release requires manual work.

  1. checkouts the hotfix branch, and sets it to the expected tag
  2. fixes the issue
  3. adds release description files :
    1. hotfix.version: add the expected release version. Format is <major>.<minor>.<patch>, e.g. 1.1.0 or 1.7.2
    2. the release note to publish on github
  4. commits and push
  5. ensures run-tests-for-hotfix-branch is successful
  6. triggers ship-hotfix to publish the release on github

Bootstrapping a COA env

How to use it

In order to quickly create an environment in which you can use the COA engine, you can use the "bootstrap_coa_env.rb" script. By running ruby scripts/bootstrap_coa_env.rb /path/to/prereqs1.yml /path/to/prereqs2.yml ... /path/to/prereqsn.yml where the prereqs YAML are files containing configuration information for the bootstrapping, pipelines will be created from the reference dataset data.


The prerequisites YAML files are expected to contain some information that will help the script to build the environment. You can write it all in a single file or in multiple files. An example file can be found at /lib/coa_env_bootstrapper/prereqs.example.yml.

It can contain up to 8 main keys:

  • inactive_steps, optional: pass a list of steps that will be deactivated in case you wouldn't need them to run, for instance in case you have some resources already installed. You can deactivate:
    • deploy_transient_infra: you can deactivate this step if you already have an infrastructure with BOSH and Concourse
    • upload_stemcell: you can deactivate this step if you don't want a new stemcell to be uploaded to the BOSH Director
    • upload_cloud_config: you can deactivate this step if you don't want to overwrite the cloud config of the BOSH Director
    • deploy_git_server: you can deactivate this step if you have the git-server deployment already deployed on the BOSH Director
  • bucc, optional: you have to pass this key unless you deactivate the deploy_transient_infra step:
    • bin_path: the path to your installation of the bucc project. The project can be found at
    • cpi: the cpi you want to use for the deployment. The list of existing CPIs can be found on the bucc GitHub project
    • cpi_specific_options: options you want to pass to the bucc CLI for the bucc deployment
  • stemcell, optional: the stemcell that will be uploaded to the BOSH director and that will be sued to deploy the git server. You can find the stemcell for your usecase on
    • name
    • version
    • uri
    • sha
  • git_server_manifest, mandatory: a BOSH manifest to deploy the git-server deployment. The example one can be used to be deployed with VirtualBox, in any other case, you will want to adapt it for your IaaS.
  • cloud_config, optional: you have to pass this key unless you deactivate the "upload_cloud_config" step. This will be used by the BOSH CLI to upload a cloud-config to the BOSH Director
  • pipeline_credentials, mandatory: this passes a list of credentials that will by used by fly to upload the pipelines to Concourse.
  • concourse, optional: you have to pass this object if you deactivated the deploy_transient_infra step or if you want to overwrite the BUCC Concourse and want to use another one. The options are self-explanatory.
    • target
    • url
    • username
    • password
  • bosh, optional: you have to pass this key if you deactivate the deploy_transient_infra step or if you want to overwrite BUCC's BOSH and want to use another one. The options are self-explanatory.
    • bosh_environment
    • bosh_client
    • bosh_client_secret
    • bosh_ca_cert

Connecting to Concourse

Once the script is done running, it displays information about how to connect to the Concourse it has installed. If you wish to display those information, you can run bucc info.

Known issues

VMs access issues

If you're using VirtualBox as a IaaS on OS X, you may have trouble connectiong to the VMs installed by BUCC's BOSH. For instance, when the script is trying to push the config repository to the Git server it had installed. In this case, run the bucc routes command to create the proper routes and enable communication to the VMs.

Stemcell loading creates a timeout

Some stemcells are very large and here we're downloading it manually which can take a lot of time if the script is downloading it from the internet. This can lead to some timeouts. To prevent this, you can manually upload the stemcell to the BOSH Director and desctivate the upload_stemcell step.

Some Concourse resource won't load

If you're observing a Concourse error saying pq: insert or update on table "worker_resource_config_check_sessions" violates foreign key constraint "worker_resource_config_check__resource_config_check_sessio_fkey", it should resolve itself in a matter of seconds.

There is another error where GitHub resources as well as Docker images won't load. In this case, it was sufficient to restart the VirtualBox image.


How to initialize a new bosh deployment template ?

run ./, and it creates empty placeholder.

How to enable a bosh deployment template ?

deployment-dependencies.yml sample:

  bosh-deployment: #or micro-bosh:
        repository: cloudfoundry-community/route-registrar-boshrelease
        repository: starkandwayne/shield-boshrelease
        repository: xxx/yyyy

How to upload a bosh release not available on

use script like this to manually upload release. use bosh cli v2 syntax.

How to generate a tfvars in json from a yaml template?

You can use spruce embedded with to do it ! See script t


There is no yet public template sample. Orange employees can have a look to the in the private paas-template repo.

How to bootstrap pipelines to a new concourse?

simply run with the appropriate environment variable set. It loads the bootstrap-all-init-pipelines pipeline and triggers it.

This script must also be run when git is updated (branch or url)

SECRETS=<path_to_your_secret_dir> FLY_TARGET=<your_target> ./

pre requisite

The following tools are required to run

  • git
  • fly, the concourse CLI
    • Login to concourse in main team

How to create a new root deployment?

To setup a new paas-template repo, a new secrets repo or to add a new root deployment, you can run create-root-depls script to create empty files.

pre requisite

The following tools are required to run create-root-depls

  • ruby


This repo was inspired by great work shared in:




Look into upgrade directory, and run required scripts from Cf-Ops-Automation root directory to benefit from default values

pre requisite

The following tools are required to run upgrade scripts:

  • ruby
  • git

It is also required to have a paas-templates repository clone and/or a config repository clone to be able to perform upgrade operations.