Our team will be creating a fullstack web application that will allow people to share their travel experience to a community of other travellers using this application.
This schedule will be used to keep track of your progress throughout the week and align with our expectations.
You are responsible for scheduling time with your squad to seek approval for each deliverable by the end of the corresponding day, excluding Saturday
and Sunday
Day | Deliverable | Status |
Day 1 | Project Description | Incomplete |
Day 1 | Wireframes / Priority Matrix / Timeline | Incomplete |
Day 3 | Core Application Structure (HTML, CSS, etc.) | Incomplete |
Day 4 | MVP & Bug Fixes | Incomplete |
Day 5 | Final Touches | Incomplete |
Day 6 | Present | Incomplete |
Our team will be creating a fullstack mobile-first application that will allow people to share their travel experience to a community of other travellers using this application. The users will be able to browse through other user's travel experience like on a feed, as well as post their own. The user can add multiple factors about their experience such as location, images, cost of travel, places to visit, etc.
- Content, Layout, Structure
- WireFraming
- Create Post Page (Picture, Destination, Caption)
- Feed Page (where users can browse through other users' posts)
- Meet Our Team Page
- Responsive
- User Authentication/Log In Page
- Following other users
- Direct Messaging System
- Dark Mode Toggle
- Chat Bot
Based on the initial logic defined in the previous sections try and breakdown the logic further into smaller components. Try and capture what logic would need to be defined if the game was broken down into the following categories.
Time frames are also key in the development cycle. You have limited time to code all phases of the portfolio. Your estimates can then be used to evalute possibilities based on time needed and the actual time you have before the portfolio must be submitted. It's always best to pad the time by a few hours so that you account for the unknown so add and additional hour or two to each component to play it safe.
Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Actual Time |
WireFraming | H | 2hr | 1 hr |
Content, Layout, Structure | H | 4hr | - hr |
User Authentication/Log In Page | H | 4hr | - hr |
Create Post Page (Picture, Destination, Caption) | H | 4hr | - hr |
Feed Page (Read posts from other users) | H | 4hr | - hr |
Responsive Design | H | 3hr | - hr |
Meet our Team Page | M | 3hr | - hr |
CSS | H | 4hrs | - hr |
Total | H | 28 hrs | - hrs |
Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Actual Time |
Following other users | M | 5hr | 0 hr |
Direct Messaging System | M | 3hr | 0 hr |
Chat Bot | L | 3hr | 0 hr |
| Total | H | 11 hrs| 0 hrs |