Feature Showcase Video - [Click to watch the showcase video]
This app is mainly a cross-platform (Android & IOS) mobile application designed to help in areas of Skin Cancer Prevention with built in CNN deep learning model and an interactive web interface for professional dermotologists with powerful analasis features and the ability to live chat with their clients (Web Socket).
Other Features: LLM Medical Assistance with user provided medical data, Daily UV index alert with advice like "What factor of sunscreen should you apply ..." and more.
- Picture can be uploaded from libary or with the phone's camera and then predicted on the aws cloud (EC2) from the CNN Model ( Mobile ,Model )
- User can use their data to get assistance by an LLM ( Mobile )
- User can mark the position of his mole with a build in Human Body model and organise his moles by BIRTHMARKS / BODY PART ( Mobile )
- User can mark the position of his mole with a build in Human Body model and organise his moles by BIRTHMARKS / BODY PART ( Mobile )
- User can mark the position of his mole with a build in Human Body model and organise his moles by BIRTHMARKS / BODY PART ( Mobile )
- User can mark the position of his mole with a build in Human Body model and organise his moles by BIRTHMARKS / BODY PART ( Mobile )
- User can mark the position of his mole with a build in Human Body model and organise his moles by BIRTHMARKS / BODY PART ( Mobile )
📱 Expo Mobile [mobile]
- React Native
- Expo
- Typescript
- Firebase Auth
⚙️ Go Backend [REST-API]
- Tensorflow-js-node (CLOUD COMPUTE for DL Model)
- Firebase Functions (Server Provider)
- Firebase - Firestore and Storage (Database)
🖥️ Next Web [web]
- Next.js
- Typescript
ML - CNN Model [Model]
CNN Model
- Python
- Tensorflow
- ISIC Database
- Numpy
Prediction API Endpoint
- Flask
- Node.js