A wrapper script for pinentry
that handles cross-platform wonkyness (especially through WSL).
The interface to create a prompt has been simplified and converted into
commandline options (or alternatively environment variables).
See the latest release for instructions.
Pinentry Wrapper - Cross-platform pinentry script with a CLI interface
pinentry-wrapper [options] [PROMPT]
-d --desc TEXT Text to appear below the prompt
[default: \${PINENTRY_DESC:-}]
-o --ok TEXT Text for the OK button
[default: \${PINENTRY_OK:-OK}]
-c --cancel TEXT Text for the Cancel button
[default: \${PINENTRY_CANCEL:-Cancel}]
-e --error TEXT Set an error text
[default: \${PINENTRY_ERROR:-}]
PROMPT can be overriden with \$PINENTRY_PROMPT
If PROMPT is not defined or overridden, the default is 'Enter your password'