The web application used to manage information in Faculty of Science, KMUTT.
- For admission data
- Show admission statistic of TCAS round.
- Show average academic result for first year student of each admission channel.
- For public relations
- Show statistic of participants of each activity of project.
- Can show top 5 school which join the faculty activity each year (Active Recruitment).
- For current student data
- Show number of current student each department.
- Show number of current student by year and education status in chart.
- Student tracking for probation student.
- Statistic of subject in Faculty of Science, KMUTT.
- For alumni data
- Show number of alumni each branch by education year.
- Represent alumni data such as working status, average salary by their branch etc. in chart.
- Show statistic data for survey.
- Programming Language
- Python 3.7
- JavaScript
- Tech stack
- flask
- react js
- mySQL database
- firebase realtime database
- google sheet api