Initialize settings instance, managing configuration decryption and type conversion.
To install the ConfigurationInitializer package, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package ConfigurationInitializer
public class SchoolConfiguration : ConfigurationInitializer
// Config key name is evaluated to the property name by default.
public string SchoolName { get; set; }
// Example for setting the property's correlated config key.
public TimeSpan BreakPeriod { get; set; }
// Conig JSON value is deseriliazed into complex objects.
public List<string> Students { get; set; }
public class School {
public static Main(){
// The config instance is auto populated, decrypting secrets and converting types.
var config = new SchoolConfiguration();
// The configuration is now available for the rest of the application.
Console.Out.WriteLine($"Schole name = {config.SchoolName}, break period = {config.BreakPeriod}");