In this repository we provide the source code of our accelerated Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplication (SpGEMM) implementation, which we desrcribe in "Accelerating Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication with GPU Tensor Cores" [1].
Cmake and CUDA are required. Modification to the CMakeLists.txt files may be necessary, e.g. to change GPU architecture.
- Download the source code into a folder e.g. tSparse-src.
- Create a folder for building the executable in the same directory as tSparse-src, e.g tSparse-release.
- Inside tSparse-release and call cmake:
cmake ../tSparse-src
- Finally, call make:
make -j{number of CPU cores}
In order to test SPGEMM run "spmm" executable. spmm accepts 1 or 2 arguments. In case of 1 argument it performs matrix squaring (A*A). In case of 2 arguments it performs the matrix multiplication (A*B).
./spmm A.mtx
./spmm A.mtx B.mtx
- The first compilation after running cmake may give an error similar to : "error: undefined reference to '__cudaRegisterLinkedBinary_12_spmm_cpp1_ii_handle'". This error is related to the CUDA library that is used by CUDA dynamic parallelism. Running make a second time solves this issue.
- The latest multiplication and counting kernels do not support Volta. The reason is that we use direct access to fragments (instead of through shared memory) for performance reasons.
Orestis Zachariadis (
[1] O. Zachariadis, N. Satpute, J. Gómez-Luna, and J. Olivares, “Accelerating sparse matrix–matrix multiplication with GPU Tensor Cores,” Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol. 88, p. 106848, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2020.106848.
Also in arXiv.